Exhibition Milestones
Important dates and deadlines
7 March 2019, 09.00 - ca. 11.00
- "Informationsanlass" in big concert hall (Konzertsaal 7.K12)
Einführungsveranstaltung DDE
26 March 2019, 09.30 - 12.30
- Exhibition workshop (Konferenzraum 5.K03)
2 April 2019, 17.00
- Confirm requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs
7 April 2019
- Deadline "AVZ Geräte" (detailed information will follow at "Informationsanlass")
3 May 2019
- Exhibition Layout review to all mentors and students by Martin Dusek (at the beginning of Progress session 3, 10.00–10.30, 5.T04)
- Address list for invitations "Business-Apéro" event on 13 June 2019
(Invitation to companies, industry contacts, offices, agencies and friends)
6 May 2019
- Send pictures and abstracts for «Leporello» to your mentors, Martin Dusek and Joëlle Bitton.
Final approval with Joëlle Bitton.
9 May 2019, 17.00
21 – 23 May 2019
- Sanding and painting of the exhibition elements, AUMO walls and plinths (Kaskadenhalle, 5.K500) with 2nd and 4th semester BA and 1st year MA students
31 May 2019, 14.00
- Briefing BA- and MA-finals for buildup exhibition
31 May – 5 June 2019
- Buildup with BA- and MA-finals - including over the weekend
3 June 2019, 14.00 - 17.00
- Visit through the exhibition with mentors
6 June 2019, 17.00 - 23.00
- Vernissage "Diplomausstellung", opening ZHdK exhibition at 17.00 // official opening IAD exhibition with Apéro at 17.30: Attendance is compulsory for all BA und MA students
7 - 21 June 2019
- Exhibition, open daily from 12.00 - 20.00
Plan for exhibition shifts "Betreuung Ausstellung" will be sent separately by Martin Dusek.
13 June 2019, 17.00 - ca. 20.00
- Business-Apéro IAD
Exhibition viewing with 5 minutes presentations by each student, followed by an Apéro and Snacks.
Attendance is mandatory for all BA und MA students
13 June 2019, 17.00 - late
21 June 2019
- Diplomfeier (detailed information will follow)
22 June 2019
- Start exhibition take-down
24 June 2019, 10.00-17.00
- Exhibition take-down and clear-out work space student atelier 4K.22
- Return the AV devices and computers (9.00 – 16.00)
Attendance is compulsory for all BA- und MA- students