Interaction Design WikiBits & Atoms IV

Getting Started with Xcode

Installing Xcode 16.0 (or later)



  1. Download Xcode from the Mac App Store. Upon first launch, you will get prompted which platforms to build for.

    1. Mark iOS 18.0 (or later) and visionOS 2.0 (or later) as selected.

    2. Click Download & Install to proceed.

  1. Xcode will continue the setup by installing the chosen platforms above.


3.  You might get prompted with the following alert in case Xcode needs to perfom under-the-hood setup. 

Click Relaunch Xcode to continue.


4.  Next, you might be prompted to grant Xcode permission to your local network. This may be enabled in order to connect to Apple Vision Pro or iPad wirelessly.

To compile your app on a remote device in the future, click Allow. Otherwise, click Don't Allow.


5. You will notice a separate window appearing, informing you of the current download status. 

Xcode may not be quit at this point until all downloads finish.


In the meantime, you might already be onboarded with the following welcome screen. 

The onboarding window will always serve as the starting point when launching Xcode the first time.

You can either choose between creating a new project from scratch or open an existing one from either a local or remote git repository or your local Finder directory.

  1. Once the necessary platform downloads are finished, the window can be closed.

