This example produces a pseudo 3d form from a depth map image. It produces a pdf file suitable for Laser cutting based on this slicing method.
import processing.pdf.*; PGraphicsPDF pdf; int gridWidth = 100; int gridHeight = 100; int cutHeight = 50; float pointDistX = 5; float pointDistY = 5; ArrayList<Float> imageGreyScaleList = new ArrayList<Float>(); ArrayList<Integer> MaxHeight = new ArrayList<Integer>(); float waveHeight = 20; PImage baseImage; void setup() { size(700, 700); smooth(); baseImage = loadImage("data/image.jpg"); baseImage.loadPixels(); int loc; float combinedHeight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < baseImage.width; i++) { MaxHeight.add(0); for (int j = 0; j < baseImage.height; j++) { loc = i + j*baseImage.width; //println(baseImage.pixels[loc]); color pixel = baseImage.pixels[loc]; int greyScale = floor(red(pixel)); float heightConverted = map(greyScale, 0, 255, 0, -waveHeight); imageGreyScaleList.add(heightConverted); } combinedHeight += waveHeight+cutHeight; } // create a pdf the lenght of the total graphic pdf = (PGraphicsPDF) createGraphics(width, int(combinedHeight), PDF, "export.pdf"); } void draw() { background(255); beginRecord(pdf); exportSlices(); endRecord(); background(255); draw2D(); noLoop(); }; void draw2D() { fill(255); background(255); pushMatrix(); //translate graphic to the center of the screen translate((width-(pointDistX*gridWidth))/2, (height-(pointDistY*gridHeight))/2); int loc; for (int i = 0; i<gridHeight; i++ ) { beginShape(); for (int j = 0; j<gridWidth; j++) { loc = i + j*baseImage.width; float posX = j*pointDistX; float posY = i*pointDistY+imageGreyScaleList.get(loc); // offset y coordinate based on the pixels colour curveVertex(posX, posY); }; endShape(); }; popMatrix(); }; void exportSlices() { noFill(); background(255); pushMatrix(); //translate graphic to the center of the screen //translate((width-(pointDistX*gridWidth))/2, (height-(pointDistY*gridHeight))/2); int loc; for (int i = 0; i<gridHeight; i++ ) { float y = i*(pointDistY+cutHeight+waveHeight); beginShape(); curveVertex(0, y); for (int j = 0; j<gridWidth; j++) { loc = i + j*baseImage.width; float posX = j*pointDistX; float posY = y+imageGreyScaleList.get(loc); // offset y coordinate based on the pixels colour curveVertex(posX, posY); }; vertex(gridWidth*pointDistX, y); vertex(gridWidth*pointDistX, y+cutHeight); vertex(0, y+cutHeight); vertex(0, y); pushStyle(); fill(0); text("no_ "+i, 5, y+cutHeight-5); popStyle(); endShape(); }; popMatrix(); };