Interaction Design WikiInterdisciplinary Modules

Intimacy At Distance 2024

Block Seminar Design Theory 2nd semester

Dr. Joëlle Bitton

The module takes place over 1 week, from 12h to 16th of February 2024, from Monday to Friday, 9.00-17.00 - see timetable below for details.
(alternating between class on Zoom 12.02&14.02 and class in Toni-Areal 13&16.02). 


You may have first read the description of this course on the school Intranet or on an email. Your different activities online have probably shifted in the last few years, for instance during the height of the Covid pandemic and then between convenience and functionality, you have taken new habits:  discussing, learning, engaging with the world online, on Zoom, using a co-working platform such as a Miro board, etc. You are using WhatsApp, Discord, TikTok, Instagram or Facebook and many other communication apps on a daily basis, gaming or living part of your life online. This is how you are in touch with your friends, lovers, sexual partners, family… Maybe you even consider yourself “addicted”.

How did we get here? Over the past twenty-five years, the tech industry has built an infrastructure of communicating at distance and of sharing the most intimate parts of ourselves (even the ones we’re not aware of).

Yet, distant communication interfaces are not new: mail - via horse, train, air and more recently, the telephone have played essential roles in the construction of our interactions. And just as the emergence of the phone and the networks in the 19th century enhanced our communication models, the Internet and its palette of services accommodate distance in our daily relations. Each of these systems have set a range of social behaviours that frame our expectations and boundaries. And with every service, we discover how they can allow us to be in a greater mode of intimacy with each other.

Objectives of the course

The aim of the seminar is to reflect on the ways communication and interaction interfaces have modelled our lives and our expectations of relations at distance. We will look at historical case studies, at the field of human connectedness and at how intimacy, sex, friendships, daily conversations are choreographed by online experiences. The seminar is structured as on-going dialogue and the students will work on certain questions each day. In the end, a short essay & a web app experience should be created to showcase an interpretation of the topic.


The class will be structured around discussions, lectures, presentations of film and literature materials and in-class exercises.

This course will address:


Expectations, Gradings and Presence

Grades for this class are passing or failing. Assignments are general class participation, exercises, readings&reflections through response notes, and final work.
Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.  

Arriving late may also affect the passing grade.
Contributing to constructive group discussion is an essential aspect of class participation. 

Attendance of all the in-class sessions are imperative (3 mornings session and 1 afternoon session).  
The sessions alternate between Zoom and Toni-Areal: first and third day online (Zoom link provided by email) - second and last day are in presence. 
Zoom-etiquette during online sessions: please be present on screen (no commuting/travelling or doing another activity in parallel of the class), on time, and with camera turned-on as much as possible. 
Classes online and in presence at the same time are not possible.


Mon 12.02 - on Zoom
Distance & relationships
Tu 13.02 - in Toni
Human Connectedness

We 14.02 - on Zoom
Connected Communities

Th 15.02 -

Fr 16.02 - in Toni
Intimacy revisited 


  • Intro: syllabus & course overview
  • Writing / reflective session

  • Lecture - Part 1
    'The fabric of Interaction is Distance'

  • Discussions in duos (Zoom room)


  • Readings discussion

  • Lecture - Part 2
    'The fabric of Interaction is Distance'

  • Discussions in duos (Live in Toni)


  • Readings discussion

  • Overview of case studies that capture current trends.
  • Discussion in duos (Zoom room) 
All day: Independent study - Prepare assignment 4


Independent study - Prepare final assignment 4

Upload assignment 4

Independent study - Prepare assignment 1
*Send assignment 1 by 19.00

Independent study - Prepare assignment 2
*Send assignment 2 by 19.00

Independent study - Prepare assignment 3
*Send assignment 3 by 19.00


  • Presentation of final assignments

  • Closing Discussion
  1. S. Agamanolis New Technologies for Human Connectedness, 2005
  2. J. Bitton Distance and Sexuality, 2006
  3. D. Leithinger, S. Follmer, A. Olwal, H. Ishii Physical Telepresence, 2014
  4. D. van Bel,  W. IJsselsteijn, Y. de Kort Interpersonal Connectedness, 2018
  5. A. Watson, D. Lupton, M. Michael Enacting intimacy and sociality at a distance in the COVID-19 crisis, 2020 
  6. T. Gayler, C. Sas, V. Kalnikaitè Material Food Probe: Personalized 3D Printed Flavors for Emotional Communication in Intimate Relationships, DIS 2020

+A. E. Christensen, M. H. Magnussen, T. S. Seindal, and D. Raptis. 2022. Shaping Romance: Mediating Intimacy for Co-located Couples. In Proceedings of OzCHI '21. 2021

+S. Turkle Alone Together, Basic Books, 2012
See related Ted Talk, Connected but alone 

Use the Reading guideline to comment on the texts.