Before Monday, 01.06.2020 Discuss your material (images, text, video) with mentors
Monday, 01.06.2020 Upload final material on server, including video
Monday–Friday, 01.–05.06.2020 Content is going to be uploaded on website by Martin
Friday, 0509.06.2020 Going-Live
Please deliver text in the following Google Docs.
Project title
Subtitle (optional)
Name of student(s)
Name of mentors
Contact mail (important: private email-address, not @zhdk.ch)
Cooperation partner (optional)
Project website URL (optional)
in English AND German
max. 750 characters incl. spaces
3 keywords, describing your project
BA: Please upload images on server.
MA: Please send images via WeTransfer to martin.dusek@zhdk.ch.
1 thumbnail / main image + 5–10 images
Image size: 2500x1875 px (only landscape)
Image format: JPEG
Note for exporting in Photoshop:
File > Export > Save for Web
Quality: 80%
Option "Convert to sRGB" activated
No graphics or logos etc. on the photos except it applies directly to the product or project
No additional texts or letters on the photos (except the theme or work engages with the topic of text or linguistic)
No 3D-renderings oder sketches, photos should be real photos displaying the work!
Please take care of good contrast, brightness and light-shadow proportions
Ideally, the photos show the working prototype in interaction with people.
BA: Please upload video on server.
MA: Please send video via WeTransfer to martin.dusek@zhdk.ch, if available.
Video in higher quality, please submit in the following sizes: