(1) Syllabus
- Course title
- Date
- Day/Hours/Classroom
- Instructor name
- Instructor email
- Office hours
- Structure intro
The module takes place over 5 weeks, including a reading week (3), from Tuesday to Friday, 9.30
– 17.00,
November 02 – December 01 2017.
Class sessions include lectures, discussions, mentoring sessions, in-class exercises, assignments and independent study blocks.
Projects are conducted in groups of 4 students.
Module Details
- Course title: Interactive Visualization
- Dates: November 2 – December 1 2017
- Days: Tuesday to Friday
- Lecture hours: 09.30 – 17.00
- Office hours: 09.30 – 17.00
- Classroom: TBD
Module Instructors
- Benjamin Wiederkehr, benjamin@interactivethings.com, data analysis, visualization, interaction, narration, communication, and evaluation,
- Timo Grossenbacher (timo.grossenbacher@srf.ch),
- Joël Gähwiler, joel.gaehwiler@zhdk.ch, technology and programming
The module takes place over 5 weeks, including a reading week (3), from Tuesday to Friday, 9.30 – 17.00, November 02 – December 01 2017.
Class sessions include lectures, discussions, mentoring sessions, in-class exercises, assignments and independent study blocks.
Projects are conducted in groups of 4 students.
Class sessions:
Class sessions:
- Lectures: Presentations will introduce the students to the essential theory and practice of data visualization.
- Design Studio: Collective review sessions where the students can get and give feedback to their current state.
- Coding Lab: Collaborative coding sessions where the students can experiment and get support.
- Group Mentoring: Individual review and coaching sessions where the instructors give advice to groups of students.
(2) Overview and Objectives
Objectives set for the students: learning outcomes and expected deliverables
(Description and explanation of the relevancy of the topic of the course)
(3) Module Outline
Brief structure of the course or module over the semester (how the module is organised week by week or if the course is designed in 3 parts, etc)
Week 1 | Tuesday 28.3 | Wednesday 29.3 | Thursday 30.3 | Friday 31.3 |
Morning | Kickoff 11.00-12.00 | Field Research | Independent Study
| Field Research / Independent Study |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.45 13.45-14.15 14.15-14.45 14.45-15.30 15.30- | 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00- | 13.00-15.00 15.00- | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 2 | Tuesday 4.4 | Wednesday 5.4 | Thursday 6.4 | Friday 7.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 | 09.30-12.00 | Independent Study | Independent Study: |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.15 13.15-15.30 15.30-16.00 | Independent Study: | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 3 | Tuesday 11.4 | Wednesday 12.4 | Thursday 13.4 | Friday 14.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 | Independent Study | 09.30-12.00 | Holiday |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 15.00- | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 | |
Week 4 | Tuesday 18.4 | Wednesday 19.4 | Thursday 20.4 | Friday 21.4 |
Morning | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring: Storytelling JB | Independent Study | Independent Study | 09.30-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 | 13.00-16.00 | Independent Study | 13.00-16.00 |
Week 5 | Tuesday 25.4 | Wednesday 26.4 | Thursday 27.4 | Friday 28.4 |
Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | |
Week 6 | Tuesday 2.5 | Wednesday 3.5 | Thursday 4.5 | Friday 5.5 |
Morning | 09.30-12.00 Group presentations: Back from the reading week JB, NF | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring JB | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | 09.30-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-16.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | Independent Study | Independent Study |
JB: Joëlle Bitton, NF: Nicole Foesterl