Module Overview
- The Quartz Guide To Bad Data
- Tidy Data – although the principle of tidy data stems from an R developer and the examples in this document are made in R, "tidy data" is a very valuable standard that you should achieve when working with data. Once your data is "tidy", visualization in R (or in any other language / framework) becomes easier. You can also look at the more formal and less R-heavy scientific paper.
Data formats / conversions
Geospatial data
- An overview of common spatial data formats
- QGIS is an open source geographical information system and a good option for working with geodata on a non-regular basis (e.g. to look at some data or to compute areas of some regions). This tutorial collection will introduce you to it.
- Convert coordinates into/from the Swiss projection system.
- Municipal boundaries and districts of Swiss cities by the BFS. Jeremy Stucki (former IAD student) has processed these and other data into TopoJSON (easier to use for web applications).
- Data Analysis with R: Recent and good introduction, no prior knowledge needed
- Resources for doing data journalism with R
Week 1 | Tuesday 31.10 | Wednesday 1.11 | Thursday 2.11 | Friday 3.11 |
| Data Literacy 09.30-17.00 4.D12, TG Introduction From Data to Knowledge Data Sources Please bring your own laptop to the course! | Data Literacy 09.30-17.00 4.D12, TG Data Sources & Quality Data Types / Formats
Data Tools / Working with Data
Week 2 | Tuesday 7.11 | Wednesday 8.11 | Thursday 9.11 | Friday 10.11 |
| Data Literacy 09.30-17.00 4.D12, TG Data Quality More Data Tools
Geospatial Data
tbd. | Data Visualization Introduction & Brief 09.00-12.0 4.D12, BW, JG Research | Design Input 1 Basic Techniques 09.00-12.00 4.D12, BW Research | Tech Input I 09.00-12.00 4.D12, JG Mentoring 13.00-15.00 Atelier, BW, JG Analysis |
Week 3 | Tuesday 14.11 | Wednesday 15.11 | Thursday 16.11 | Friday 17.11 |
| Analysis | Analysis | Concept | Concept |
Week 4 | Tuesday 21.11 | Wednesday 22.11 | Thursday 23.11 | Friday 24.11 |
B&A | Design Input 2 Intermediary Techniques 09.00-12.00 4.D12, BW Mentoring 13.00-15.00 Atelier, BW, JG Concept | Tech Input 2 09.00-12.00 4.D12, JG Concept | Aesthetics of Interaction 09.00 - 12.00 Concept | Mentoring 09.00-12.00 Atelier, BW, JG Production |
Week 5 | Tuesday 28.11 | Wednesday 29.11 | Thursday 30.11 | Friday 1.12 |
B&A | Production | Aesthetics of Interaction 09.00 - 12.00 Mentoring 13.00-17.00 Atelier, BW, JG Production | Production | Final Presentation 09.00-12.00 4.D12, BW, JG Documentation
TG: Timo Grossenbacher, BW: Benjamin Wiederkehr, JG: Joël Gähwiler