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Session 1: Human-Centred Design

21. September 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.

Questions: What means user-centred, tangible or critical design?Topics: history of interaction design, user-centred design, tangible design, critical design…

  • Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (2007). MIT Press.


Session 2: Diversity beyond Human

23. September 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31

What means being human in the world? In this essential of all questions Immanuel Kant´s three fundamental questions arose: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of what humanity means at all. Is there a sufficient answer to this question and where do we find a systematic discourse?

Questions: What means environment, human, affordance, technology, art, design, user?

  • Burckhardt, L. (1980). Design ist unsichtbar. In Gsöllpointner, H.; Hareiter, A.; Ortner, L. (1981). Design ist unsichtbar. Wien: Loecker.

  • Gibson, J.J.  (1986). The Theory of Affordances. In Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.

  • Connor, S.  (2011) Paraphernalia: The Curious Lives of Magical Things). Wires. In Profile Books



Guest: Prof. Dr. Sascha Roesler

Topics: atmosphere, spatial diversity, bio diversity

  • TBA

Session 3: Design Symposium

28. September 2020.

Session 4: Attunement : Theory in the Field

30. September 2020.

time: 9.00am - 12.00pm
location: seminar room 4.T31Zurich outdoors

Topics : theory in the field, attunement, promenadology 

Questions: What means environment, human, affordance, technology, art, design, user?


Burckhardt, L. (1980). Design ist unsichtbar. In Gsöllpointner, H.; Hareiter, A.; Ortner, L. (1981). Design ist unsichtbar. Wien: Loecker.



Connor, S.  (2011) Paraphernalia: The Curious Lives of Magical Things). Wires. In Profile Books

Session 5: Ecological Thinking / Interaction : Theory in the Field

30. September 2020.

time: 1213.00am - 17.00pm
location: We will continue our journey in a manner of alchemic wondering about the world. We will dissolve (Solve) and Coagulate our bodily experiences to stimulate first thoughts on the role of design, human and technology. How will we might become a designer and what do we face in the university as well as the outside world? We will investigate various concepts through spatial and ecological thinking - discussing about our local surroundings and global interdependencies.Zurich outdoors

Topics : affordances, embodiment, enactive thinking, environmentinteraction

Session 6: Inter-Action

5. October 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.

Questions: what is digital? what is analog?  what is digitalisation? what is an interface?  What is inter-action? What is intra-action?


Topics : digital, analog, digitalisation, inter-action, intra-action

  • Franinovic, K. ”Inter-Action/Inter-Acting” in Handbuch Künstlerische Forschung, Ed. J. Badura, A. Haarmann and S. Dubach. Diaphanes, 2015.

  • Kleinman, A. “Intra-Actions” interview with Karen Barad, Mousse 34, 2012.

Session 7: Otherness

12. October 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: ZoomWhat means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.

Questions: human and posthuman, bio, gender, atmosphere 

  • Moggridge, B. ed.. Designing Interactions (20’7). MIT Press.


Session 8: Complexity

19. October 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

What means being human in the world? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of how designers deal with human interaction. For this purpose, we will read one of the interaction design foundational books: “Designing Interactions“.

Questions: What means acting and leveraging?


Questions: acting, leveraging

  • Meadows, D. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, Hartland: The Sustainability Inst. 1999.

  • K. Franinović and R. Kirschner, “Microbiospherians: Leveraging Microbes in Biosphere 2”, Journal of Performance Research, Vol. 25, No. 3: „On Microperformativity“ Routledge, 2020.

Session 9: Life-Centred Design
