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Session 2: Diversity beyond Human


time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

Guest: Prof. Dr. Sascha Roesler

Topics: atmosphere, spatial diversity, bio diversity…


Session 3: Design Symposium (cancelled)



3: Attunement : Theory in the Field

28. September 2020.

time: 9.00am - 12.00pm
location: Zurich outdoors


  • Th. Morton, “Attune” in Cohen, J.J. and Lowell D.. Veer Ecology: A Companion for Environmental Thinking. University of Minnesota Press, 2017. Project MUSE

  • ed. M. Kuzmanovic and N. Gaffney, Dust & Shadow Reader #2, FoAM, 2019.

  • R. Kirschner and K. Franinović, ”Interacting in Entangled Environments” in Not at Your Service: Design Manifestos, Eds. B. Franke and H. Matter, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2020



4: Ecological Thinking / Interaction : Theory in the Field

28. September 2020.

time: 13.00am - 17.00pm
location: Zurich outdoors


  • Gibson, J.J.  (1986). The Theory of Affordances. In Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.

  • Nakamura, J., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2009).The concept of flow. In Snyder, C. R., & Lopez, S. J. (Ed.). Oxford handbook of positive psychology. Oxford University Press, USA. 89-105

  • Noë, A. (2010). Du bist nicht Dein Gehirn. Eine radikale Philosophie des Bewusstseins. München: Piper Verlag, München. Noe_DubistnichtdeinGehirn.pdf



5: Inter-Action

5. October 2020.

time: 10.30 - 12.30
location: Zoom


  • Franinovic, K. ”Inter-Action/Inter-Acting” in Handbuch Künstlerische Forschung, Ed. J. Badura, A. Haarmann and S. Dubach. Diaphanes, 2015.



6: What is the meaning of „active“ in living beings and materials?

9. October 2020.

time: 11.00am - 13:30
location: Zoom


Topics : action, active materials, intentionality, meshwork



7: Otherness

12. October 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom


  • Ed. Coole, D. and Frost, S. “Introducing the New Materialism” in New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics. Durham and London: Duke University Press. 2010. pp. 1-43.

  • Kleinman, A. “Intra-Actions” interview with Karen Barad, Mousse 34, 2012.

  • Franinovic, K. ”Thinking Active Materials : Actively Thinking Materials” in Raw Flows: Fluid Mattering in Arts and Research, Ed. R. Kirschner, De Gruyter, 2017. pp. 124-143.



8: Complexity

19. October 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

QuestionsTopics: acting, leveraging, ecosystems, biosphere, sustainability

  • Meadows, D. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, Hartland: The Sustainability Inst. 1999.

  • K. Franinović and R. Kirschner, “Microbiospherians: Leveraging Microbes in Biosphere 2”, Journal of Performance Research, Vol. 25, No. 3: „On Microperformativity“ Routledge, 2020.



9: Life-Centred Design

9. November 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom

Topics: Life-Centred Design, Transitional Design, Planet-Centred Design



10: Essay  topic / motivation / structure  

16. November 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom





11: What is Interaction Design? Essay presentations

7. December 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom



12: Exam / Feedback

14. December 2020.

time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Zoom
