Dr Joëlle Bitton joelle.bitton@zhdk.ch
Martin Dušek martin.dusek@zhdk.ch
Guest lecturers: tba
Andreas Waldenburg andreas.waldburger@zhdk.ch
David Wollschlegel david.wollschlegel@zhdk.ch
Eli-Lilly Woke elililly.woke@zhdk.ch
IAD is proposing to students to join the international Biodesign Challenge where university students are partnered with scientists, artists, and designers to envision, create, and critique transformational applications in biotech.
We will select students to work on a new project that will develop over the whole year until next Spring, and where you can apply interaction design knowledge to biological issues, especially as you acquire new skills from the regular courses that you are taking. Students that take part are expected to work in addition to regular courses, including part of the winter semester break. You will receive ECTS points, look for partners in science fields and operate with a budget for developing the project.
Dr Joëlle Bitton
Martin Dušek
Guest contributions:
The Inspiration-Ideation-Implementation model shows an approach how to structure a design process. We will orient ourselves by this it. Also, there will be iterations between the different stages.
Collection of texts around biodesign, conducted by BDC
Related projects
…Frank R Paul´s “Amazing Stories” https://amazingstories.com/2014/04/amazing-stories-amazing-covers/
(Key-visual background image: pixabay.com)