- Kickoff Project
- Final Project and Presentation
- Documentation
- Attendance during lessons
- TimetableMini Project brief
- Kick off Exercise Brief
- Main Project brief Brief
- Lectures
Tools and Software
- Rhino Trial (90 Day test license)
- Rhino WIP (includes Grasshopper and requires Rhino Trial to be installed first)
- https://shiftr.io/
- Arduino wireless sensor kits
Arduino wireless sensor kit
Embodied Interaction: Exploring the Foundations of a New Approach to HCI
Supporting the design and fabrication of physical visualizations
Arduino wireless sensor kit
Kick off Exercise Brief: Analogue Data Collection
Look for sources of body data from the realworld. What traces do we leave behind that give us indications about our movements, vital signs or emotions?
Record videos or take photos to indicate and attemp to extract the data.
Pressentation: max 5 minutes
Group or individual work
Use Data-Colection, Generative Design Methods and Digital Fabrication to create a Data Driven Orthesis.
- What drives the design? (example: is it function, speculation or critique)
- Where could the data come from? (example: wearable sensors)
- What metaphor could you use?
- What inspires the form making process (example: fungus, cell division, mathematical geometry,…)
Pressenataion Format: Exihibition of Experiments and Final Protypes together with a verbal pressenation.
Presentation on: 14.12.2017
Documenation Format: PDF
Groups of three Students