Presentation of advancement of project as well as theoretical research, together with all students and all mentors.
Presentation should all be 5 minutes long with 10 minutes for feedback and discussion.
Format is free - although slides are most useful to structure your presentation. See below for more oral presentation guidelines.
20 February 2018: Kick-off - Progress session 1 , " 09.30 - 12.30
- Present status of your thesis concept
- Present advanced prototype
- Present related work and how you situate your project in comparison
15 March 2018: Progress session 2, "Early Findings", 13.30 - 16.30
- Advanced research:Analysis of existing situation, experience or technology
- Present data from your user studies and main findings
- How will this inform your concept, problem or design opportunity? Based on your findings, inform or enhance your concept.
17 April 2018: Progress session 3, "Prototypes testing" 09.30 - 12.30
- What kind of prototype is the most suitable for your project? What kind of prototype helped you find the main findings/observations? What do you hope to achieve with your prototype?
15 May 2018: Progress session 4, "Observations and Lessons learned", 09.30 - 12.30
- Present your exhibition concept
- Present your documentation draft incl. storyboard for your movie
- Present 3 main lessons learned from your process
Thesis focus workshops
5 March 2018: Thesis structure review workshop, 13.00 - 15.00