*Today the most precise explanation of our physical world has not only triggered huge amount of New Technologies mentioned above, but has also introduced a revolutionary Quantum world view that considers the material world as a non-deterministic construct, deciphered with probability and interactivity.
Example string String Theory description:
VibrationalResonant-Solids Transmuters
String theory is a framework that describes the nature of sub-atomic particles as one-dimensional objects called strings. The vibrational state of these strings is what defines basic that forms all matter. Vibrational-Solids are a new class of object, that mass and other properties of the fundamental building blocks of the universe.
The connection between resonance and substance can also be witnessed in Resonant-Transmuters. This class of artefact can change their substance and form based on their the frequency of oscillation. Taping a Vibrational-Solids Various interactions with Resonant-Transmuter can introduce a new oscillation and start the transformation processimmediate transformation. You may have experienced this effect, say, while playing the radio too loud, only to discover your dinner table has turned into a fishing-rod.
Loss of Distance - or space zero gravity
Trans-digital materials