Week 1 | Tuesday, 04.05. | Wednesday, 05.05. | Thursday, 06.05. | Friday, 07.05. |
morning | 9:00-11:00 ZOOM 11:00-12:00 ZOOM Introduction "Metabolic perspective on/in space" | 9:00 | 9:00 + alternating exercise "PerecVegetalize", "Becoming sensor/MyersSpatialize" | 9:00 |
afternoon | 13:00-14:00 ZOOM Introduction Leverage points and Organisation read Maedows "Leverage Points" | Workshop Julian Stadionbrache: Location Mapping + alternating exercise "PerecVegetalize", "Becoming sensor/MyersSpatialize" | Workshop Julian + alternating exercise "PerecVegetalize", "Becoming sensor/MyersSpatialize" | "Leverage Points" |
Week 2 | Tuesday, 11.05. | Wednesday, 12.05. | Thursday, 13.05. | Friday, 14.05. |
morning | Individual Work: "Leverage Points" | Individual Work: Task Phase 1 | AUFFAHRT | Individual work: Task Phase 2 |
afternoon | 15:30-17:00 ZOOM Intro Task Phase 1: action-effects research in urban ecologies + related art & design projects | 15:30-17:00 ZOOM Presentation + discussion Task Phase 1 Start Task phase 2: concept development | Individual work: Task Phase 2 15:30-17:00 ZOOM Presentation + discussion Task Phase 2 Concepts | |
Week 3 | Tuesday, 18.05. | Wednesday, 19.05. | Thursday, 20.05. | Friday, 21.05. |
morning | Individual work: Task Phase 2 group building + concept preparation | Group work: Concept finalization | Group work: prototype 1 | Group work: prototype 1 |
afternoon | 15:30-17:00 ZOOM Presentation + discussion Task Phase 2 Groups + Concepts | group mentoring ZOOM (round 1 compulsory) | Group work: prototype 1 | Group work: prototype 1 |
Week 4 | Tuesday, 25.05. | Wednesday, 26.05. | Thursday, 27.05. | Friday, 28.05. |
morning | Group work: | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype |
afternoon | 15:30-17:00 ZOOM milestone presentation | group mentoring ZOOM (round 2 compulsory) | final prototype | Group work: final prototype |
Week 5 | Tuesday, 01.06. | Wednesday, 02.06. | Thursday, 03.06. | Friday, 04.06. |
morning | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype |
afternoon | Group work: free mentoring | Group work: free mentoring | Group work: free mentoring | Group work: free mentoring |
Week 6 | Tuesday, 08.06. | Wednesday, 09.06. | Thursday, 10.06. | Friday, 11.06. |
morning | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | 9:00-12:00 final presentation | documentation |
afternoon | Group work: free mentoring | Group work: free mentoring | 14:00 feedback session | documentation |
- Donella Meadows: Leverage Points - Places to Intervene in a System.
- Meredith Sattler, Carolina Rodriguez. Translating Ecological Systems Models into Generative, Real-Time, Form-Based Visualizations.
- Georges Perec: Träume von Räumen (Auszug dt.), Espèces d'espace (extrait fr.). (per email)
- Natasha Myers: A Kria for Cultivating your Inner Plant.
- Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368. (per email)
- Franinovic & Kirschner: Microbiospherians. (per email)
We will prepare doodles for mentoring with time slots of different length depending on the progress of the overall project. Reserve your slot and try to be on time. Questions can be asked anytime – also via email.
- First Concept Exercises (Vegetalize, Spatialize, Leverage Points)(everybody)
- Task Phase 1 (everybody)
- Task Phase 2 (everybody)
- Second Task Phase 2 - Second Stage (informal – some approaches might not be presentable at this time. But if you want your project to be discussed by the whole group, present it here! Otherwise show up for a mandatory mentoring the same or the following day.)
- Final (this really counts!)