The Lore of the Lyrebird, Ambrose Pratt, 1932
Dr Joëlle Bitton
Luke Franzke
Joël Gahwiler
Daniel Hug
Office hours by appointment
Stefan Heller
Valentin Amrhein
The module takes place over 5 weeks, from 20.02.18 to 23.03.18, from Tuesday to Friday, 9 9.30-17.00 - see timetable below for detailed hours and classrooms.
Class Class sessions include lectures, discussions, mentoring sessions, in-class exercises, assignments and independent study blocks.
Projects Projects are conducted individually or with in a team of two three students at most.
Overview and Objectives
- They are motivated to contribute to the protection of birds.
Course Outline
Brief structure of the course or module over the semester (how the module is organised week by week or if the course is designed in 3 parts, etc)
Expectations and Grading
Grades will be based on in-class presentations, class participation, documentation (journal) and final work. Contributing to constructive group feedback is an essential aspect of class participation. Regular attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade. Arriving late on more than one occasion will also affect the grade.
Week 1 | Tuesday 20.2 | Wednesday 21.2 | Thursday 22.2 | Friday 23.2 |
Morning | Kickoff Prepare for a visit of an exhibition space | Visit BirdLife Center | Field study discussion Individual Research | Tech Input 2: |
Afternoon | Tech Input 1: | Individual Research | Visit Zoo of Zurich Individual Research | Idea Clustering |
Week 2 | Tuesday 27.2 | Wednesday 28.2 | Thursday 1.3 | Friday 2.3 |
Morning | Tech Input 3: | Mentoring Design & Prototyping | Tech Input 4: | Mid-Presentations |
Afternoon | Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping |
Week 3 | Tuesday 6.3 | Wednesday 7.3 | Thursday 8.3 | Friday 9.3 |
Morning | On-Demand Mentoring Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping | On-Demand Mentoring Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping |
Afternoon | Design & Prototyping | Mentoring Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping | Design & Prototyping |
Week 4 | Tuesday 13.3 | Wednesday 14.3 | Thursday 15.3 | Friday 16.3 |
Morning | Production | Production | On-Demand Mentoring Production | Production |
Afternoon | Mentoring Production | Production | Production (Diploma Progress Session 2) | Production |
Week 5 | Tuesday 20.3 | Wednesday 21.3 | Thursday 22.3 | Friday 23.3 |
Morning | Production | Production | Final Presentation | Gallery 1 and 2 reserved Documentation |
Afternoon | Mentoring Production | Production | Gallery 1 and 2 reserved Documentation | Gallery 1 and 2 reserved Documentation |
JB: Joëlle Bitton, LF: Luke Frankze, JG: Joël Gähwiler, SH: Stefan Heller, VA: Valentin Amrhein, DH: Daniel Hug, OL: Olav Lervik