Books & Chapters
Biodesign & Bioart
Flusser, V. (2007). On Science. In: Kac, E., ed., Signs of life: Bio Art and Beyond. 1st ed. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press., pp.371-372.
Franinović, Karmen, and Roman Kirschner. 2020. “Interacting In Entangled Environments.” In Not at Your Service: Manifestos for Design, edited by Hansuli Matter and Björn Franke, 249–57. De Gruyter. DOI.
Ginsberg, Alexandra Daisy et al. 2016. Synthetic aesthetics: investigating synthetic biology's designs on nature. MIT Press.
Helmreich, Stefan. 2009. Alien Ocean: Anthropological Voyages in Microbial Seas.
Bio Materials
Myers, William. 2012. Bio Design: Nature - Science - Creativity. London: Thames & Hudson.
Myers, William. 2015. Bio Art: Altered Realities. New York, New York: Thames & Hudson.
Bio Materials
Landwehr, Dominik and Kuni, Verena. 2013. Home Made Bio Electronic Arts. Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag.
Solanki, Seetal. 2018. Why Materials Matter. London: Prestel Publishing
Biodesign & Bioart
Cogdell, Christina. 2011. “From BioArt to BioDesign.” American Art 25 (2): 25–29. DOI.
Yetisen, Ali K., Joe Davis, Ahmet F. Coskun, George M. Church, and Seok Hyun Yun. 2015. “Bioart.” Trends in Biotechnology 33 (12): 724–34. DOI.
Kuznetsov, Stacey, Carrie Doonan, Nathan Wilson, Swarna Mohan, Scott E. Hudson, and Eric Paulos. 2015. “DIYbio Things: Open Source Biology Tools as Platforms for Hybrid Knowledge Production and Scientific Participation.” In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 4065–68. Seoul Republic of Korea: ACM. DOI.
Microbial Interactions
Franinović, Karmen, and Roman Kirschner. 2020. “Microbiospherians: Leveraging Microbes in Biosphere 2.” Performance Research 25 (3): 95–103. DOI.
Multispecies Ethnography
Haraway, Donna. 2018. “Staying with the Trouble for Multispecies Environmental Justice.” Dialogues in Human Geography 8 (1): 102–5. DOI.
Kirksey, S. Eben, and Stefan Helmreich. 2010. “THE EMERGENCE OF MULTISPECIES ETHNOGRAPHY.” Cultural Anthropology 25 (4): 545–76
. DOI.
Tsing, Anna Lowenhaupt, Andrew S. Mathews, and Nils Bubandt. 2019. “Patchy Anthropocene: Landscape Structure, Multispecies History, and the Retooling of Anthropology: An Introduction to Supplement 20.” Current Anthropology 60 (S20): S186–97. DOI.
Banwart, Steve. 2020. “Domesticating Soil in Earth’s Critical Zone.” In The Science and Politics of Landing on Earth, ed. Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.