The module 'Spatial Interaction' challenges students to deepen their practical and conceptual knowledge of human interactions in their immediate surroundings. Starting from a location in Zurich where public life and „tamed nature“ overlap, students will develop spatio-technical frameworks for situated interactions. The student projects will connect people and environmental processes with the aim of investigating local impacts of urban (or everyday?) behaviour as well as long-distance effects of individual actions. They will learn how to interface the present mesocosm (collecting environmental data, identifying relationships) and how to anticipate/experiment with advanced techniques like remote sensing or machine vision. Designing in such situations requires the development of strategies for public outreach and communication as well as basic knowledge of intervening in complex systems. Students will work in groups and in a form of self-governed organization developed specifically for this course.
Students BA:
Guan Arobei
Sandro Beti
Nicola Bischof
Eleonora Bonorva
Micaela Brazerol
Elena De Carlo
Dzhuliia Kolodko
Bin Martig
Johannes Reck
Thore Reigber
Réjane Schrago
Miguel Seabra
Janosch Tillich
Daniel Treystman
Silvan Weber
Nadia Westermann
Fabrizio Willi
Group members: Réjane, Silvan, Aurelian
Group members: Guan, Daniel, Janosch, Shafira
Group members: Micaela, Fabrizio, Armin
Group members: Johannes, Eleonora, Thore, Bamna
Group members: Sandro, Elena, Jolanda
Group members: Nadia, Nicola, Riva
Group members: Miguel, Dzhuliia, Bin, Plengpai
Week 1 | Tuesday, 03.05. | Wednesday, 04.05. | Thursday, 05.05. | Friday, 06.05. |
morning | 9:00 Kick-off & Introduction 10:30 Presentation MA Design Studio 2 | Workshop Toland? | System-Flow-Analysis/Mapping | [RK: BA Mentoring] |
afternoon | Group Icebreaking(?) Exercise Workshop Toland? | Guided Exercise? | ||
Week 2 | Tuesday, 10.05. (- MA students) | Wednesday, 11.05. | Thursday, 12.05. | Friday, 13.05. |
morning | [RK+KF: MA Progress Session] | |||
afternoon | Steering-Meeting | |||
Week 3 | Tuesday, 17.05. | Wednesday, 18.05.(MA students: Rasa) | Thursday, 19.05. (MA students: Rasa) | Friday, 20.05. (MA students: Rasa) |
morning | Individual work: Task Phase 2 group building + concept preparation | Group work: Concept finalization | Group work: prototype 1 | [RK: BA Mentoring] |
afternoon | Group work: Concept finalization | Mentoring | Group work: prototype 1 | Steering-Meeting |
Week 4 | Tuesday, 24.05. | Wednesday, 25.05. | Thursday, 26.05. | Friday, 27.05. |
morning | Group work: prototype 1 | [RK: BA Thesis Colloquium] Group work: final prototype | AUFFAHRT | [RK: BA Mentoring] |
afternoon | Milestone presentation | Steering-Meeting (spät mit Grillen auf Stadionbrache?) | ||
Week 5 | Tuesday, 31.05. | Wednesday, 01.06. | Thursday, 02.06. | Friday, 03.06. |
morning | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype |
afternoon | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | 14:00 Vernissage/Blamage;) |
Week 6 | Tuesday, 07.06. | Wednesday, 08.06. | Thursday, 09.06. | Friday, 10.06. |
morning | documentation | documentation | 9:00-12:00 Masters Thesis Development 1: Colloquium | |
afternoon | documentation | 13:00 BA: Final internal Presentation (MA giving feedback) + general Feedback | documentation |
Donella Meadows: Leverage Points - Places to Intervene in a System.
Debra Solomon and Caroline Nevejan: Soil in the city - The Socio-Environmental Substrate.
María Puig de la Bellacasa: Soil Times - The Pace of Ecological Care.
Meredith Sattler, Carolina Rodriguez. Translating Ecological Systems Models into Generative, Real-Time, Form-Based Visualizations.
Georges Perec: Träume von Räumen (Auszug dt.), Espèces d'espace (extrait fr.). (per email)
Natasha Myers: A Kria for Cultivating your Inner Plant.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368. (per email)
Franinovic & Kirschner: Microbiospherians. (per email)