Week 1 | Tuesday, 03.05. | Wednesday, 04.05. | Thursday, 05.05. | Friday, 06.05. | |
morning | 9:00 Kick-off & Introduction 10:30 Presentation MA Design Studio 2 | Stadium Brache Visit Sensor Exercise 1 (LF, PZ) | Gruti Grutzi Garten Visit Sensor Exercise 2 (LF, PZ) | [RK: BA Mentoring] System-Flow-Analysis/Mapping | [RK: BA Mentoring] |
afternoon | Group Icebreaking(?) Exercise Workshop Toland? | Guided Exercise Leverage Points? | |||
Week 2 | Tuesday, 10.05. (- MA students) | Wednesday, 11.05. | Thursday, 12.05. | Friday, 13.05. | |
morning | Spatial experience data exercise | [RK+KF: MA Progress Session] | |||
afternoon | Spatial experience data exercise | Steering-Meeting | Mentoring (RK,LF, PZ) | ||
Week 3 | Tuesday, 17.05. | Wednesday, 18.05.(MA students: Rasa) | Thursday, 19.05. (MA students: Rasa) | Friday, 20.05. (MA students: Rasa) | |
morning | Individual work: Task Phase 2 group building + concept preparation | Group work: Concept finalization | Group work: prototype 1 | [RK: BA Mentoring] | |
afternoon | Group work: Concept finalization | Mentoring (RK,LF, PZ) | Group work: prototype 1 | Milestone presentation & Steering-Meeting Group work: prototype 1 | |
Week 4 | Tuesday, 24.05. | Wednesday, 25.05. | Thursday, 26.05. | Friday, 27.05. | |
morning | Group work: prototype 1 final prototype | [RK: BA Thesis Colloquium] Group work: final prototype | AUFFAHRT | [RK: BA Mentoring] | |
afternoon | Milestone presentation | Mentoring (RK,LF, PZ) | Steering-Meeting (spät mit Pizza auf Stadionbrache?) | ||
Week 5 | Tuesday, 31.05. | Wednesday, 01.06. | Thursday, 02.06. | Friday, 03.06. | |
morningGroup work: final prototype | Mentoring (RK,LF, PZ) | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | Group work: final prototype | |
afternoon | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | Group work: final prototype free mentoring | 14:00 Vernissage/Blamage;) | |
Week 6 | Tuesday, 07.06. | Wednesday, 08.06. | Thursday, 09.06. | Friday, 10.06. | |
morning | documentation | documentation | 9:00-12:00 Masters Thesis Development 1: Colloquium | documentation | |
afternoon | documentation | documentation | 13:00 BA: Final internal Presentation (MA giving feedback) + general Feedback | documentation |
Spatial experience data exercise
Donella Meadows: Leverage Points - Places to Intervene in a System.
Debra Solomon and Caroline Nevejan: Soil in the city - The Socio-Environmental Substrate.
María Puig de la Bellacasa: Soil Times - The Pace of Ecological Care.
Meredith Sattler, Carolina Rodriguez. Translating Ecological Systems Models into Generative, Real-Time, Form-Based Visualizations.
Georges Perec: Träume von Räumen (Auszug dt.), Espèces d'espace (extrait fr.). (per email)
Natasha Myers: A Kria for Cultivating your Inner Plant.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368. (per email)
Franinovic & Kirschner: Microbiospherians. (per email)