Hook up a sensor of your choice to the MKR1310 and record the data using examples on the github rep. Feel free to use the environmental combo, which is already set up in the example.
Find an appropriate library and run the example for the sensor of your choosing. Modify the example to print out comma-separated sensor values over serial at 9600 baud in the following format. The github rep has an example already set up for the environmental combo.
Code Block Serial.print("{\"sensorNameOne\":"); Serial.print(sensorData1); Serial.print(","); Serial.print("\"sensorNameTwo\":"); Serial.print(sensorData2); Serial.print("}"); Serial.println();
On one computer install and run the JsonReciever Processing sketch to record the sensor data to a JSON file.
Take some notes and photos of where you recorded the data. Be careful to name and organise your JSON files!