Spring semester 2022
| |
Public holidays |
Good Friday / Karfreitag | 15.04.22 |
Easter Monday / Ostermontag | 18.04.22 |
Sechseläuten (half-day, please check with lecturers) | 25.04.22 |
Labour Day / Tag der Arbeit | 01.05.22 |
Ascension / Auffahrt | 26.05.22 |
Whit Monday / Pfingstmontag | 06.06.22 |
2nd Semester
| |
07.02.–11.02.22 | Blockwoche Theory |
14.02.–18.02.22 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
21.02.22 | Semester overview meeting |
22.02.–25.03.22 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
21.02.–30.05.22 | Theory 2: Design Methodology |
29.03.–06.05.22 | Interaction Design Process |
10.05.–10.06.22 | Graphical User Interface |
4th Semester
| |
07.02–11.02.22 | Blockwoche Theory |
14.02–18.02.22 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
21.02.22 | Semester overview meeting |
22.02.–18.03.22 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
28.02.–30.05.22 | Theory 4: If only: design, technology and society |
22.03.–29.04.22 | Service Design |
03.05.–10.06.22 | Spatial Interaction |
tbd | Brief BA Thesis year overview |
6th Semester
| |
11.–14.04.22 | Field Trip |
14.02–18.02.22 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
21.02.–25.06.22 | BA-Thesis |
09.06.22 | Diploma Vernissage |
Fall semester 2021/22
Fall Semester (HS) 2020/21 | 20.09.2021 – 21.01.2022 |
Knabenschiessen | 13.09. |
Semester start + Welcome session (1st semester) and semester overview sessions (3rd/5th semester) | 20.09. |
Alumni Seminar | 09.12 (afternoon) |
Infotag | 26.11. (afternoon) |
Information event for exchange semester (Hörsaal 1) | 01.12., 17:30-19:00 |
Winter Break | 27.12. – 09.01. |
ZHdK Intern Application exchange semester HS 22 (08:30, first come first served) | 13.01 |
Fall Semester End | 21.01. |
Unterrichtsfreie Zeit (no classes) | 24.01. – 30.01. |
Holidays | 31.01. – 13.02. |
Project week (Projektwoche) | 14.02. – 18.02. |
Deadline for submission of exchange semester HS 22 request | 01.03. |
1st Semester
Date | Course/Module | Room |
20.09. | Welcome Day (incl. Introduction MIZ) | 4.K22 and others |
21.09. – 22.10. | Designing Object/Experience |
27.09. – 13.12. | Theorie 1: Designing Interactions |
26.10. – 16.11. | Interaction Narratives |
11.11. – 26.11. | Creative Coding |
09.12 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | Hörsaal 1 |
30.11. – 10.12. | Reactive Signs |
10.01.–21.01. | Digital Fabrication |
3rd Semester
Date | Course/Module | Room |
06.09. – 10.09. | Blockwoche Theory |
14.09. – 18.09. | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
20.09., 16:00-16:45 | Semester Overview | Zoom |
20.09. – 08.10. | Soft architecture |
27.09. – 13.12. | Theorie 3: Aesthetics of Interaction |
12.10. – 05.11. | Physical Computing |
09.11 – 03.12. | Data Visualization |
09.12 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | Hörsaal 1 |
07.12 – 24.12. | Interdisciplinary Module |
10.01 – 21.01. | Sonic Interaction |
5th Semester
Date | Course/Module |
06.09. – 10.09. | Blockwoche Theory |
14.09. – 18.09. | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
15.09., 15:00-15:45 | Semester Overview | 4.K15 |
20.09. – 22.10. | Mobile User Interface |
27.09. – 13.12. | Theorie 5: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This |
07.10 – 08.10. | Free Flow Seminar | Atelierhäuser am Waldrand |
13.10 / 20.10 / 27.10., 18:00-20:00 | CollaboHUB | 2.A05 Viaduktraum |
26.10. – 12.11. | Interdisciplinary Module |
16.11. - 24.12. | Embodied Interaction |
09.12 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | Hörsaal 1 |
10.01 – 21.01. | BA Concept Seminar |
Spring semester 2021
| |
Public holidays |
Good Friday / Karfreitag | 1502.04.2221 |
Easter Monday / Ostermontag | 1805.04.2221 |
Sechseläuten (half-day, please check with lecturers) | 2519.04.2221 |
Labour Day / Tag der Arbeit | 01.05.2221 |
Ascension / Auffahrt | 2613.05.2221 |
Whit Monday / Pfingstmontag | 0624.0605.2221 |
2nd Semester
| |
0708.02.–11–12.02.2221 | Blockwoche Theory |
1415.02.–18–19.02.2221 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
2122.02.2221 | Semester overview meeting |
2223.02.–25–26.03.2221 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
2122.02.–30–07.0506.2221 | Theory 2: Design Methodology |
2930.03.–06–07.05.2221 | Interaction Design Process10 |
26.04.21 | Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) |
11.05.–10–11.06.2221 | Graphical User Interface |
4th Semester
| |
0708.02–1102–12.02.2221 | Blockwoche Theory |
1415.02–1802–19.02.2221 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
2122.02.2221 | Semester overview meeting |
2223.02.–18–19.03.2221 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
2801.0203.–30–07.0506.2221 | Theory 4: If only: design, technology and society |
2223.03.–29–30.04.2221 | Service Design03 |
26.04.21 | Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) |
04.05.–10–11.06.2221 | Spatial Interaction |
tbd | Brief BA Thesis year overview |
6th Semester
| |
1108.–14–12.0402.2221 | Digital Field Trip |
1415.02–1802–19.02.2221 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary)21-Module (transdisciplinary) |
26.04.21 | Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) |
22.02.–25.06.2221 | BA-Thesis |
0910.06.2221 | Diploma Vernissage |
Fall semester
Fall Semester (HS) 2020/21 | 2016.09.2021 2020 – 2117.01.20222021 |
Knabenschiessen | 1314.09. |
Semester start + Welcome session (1st semester) and semester overview sessions (3rd/5th semester) | 2015.09. |
Alumni Seminar | 09.12 Infotag | 27.11. (afternoon) |
InfotagAlumni Seminar | 2613.11. (afternoon) |
Information event for exchange semester (Hörsaal 117:15) | 0109.12., 17:30-19:00 |
Winter Break | 2723.12. – 0905.01. |
ZHdK Intern Application exchange semester HS 22 (08:30, first come first served) | 1315.01. |
Fall Semester End | 2122.01. |
Unterrichtsfreie Zeit (no classes) | 2425.01. – 3031.01. |
Holidays | 3101.0102. – 1314.02. |
Project week (Projektwoche) | 1415.02. – 1819.02. | Deadline for submission of exchange semester HS 22 request | 01.03. |
1st Semester
2015.09. | Welcome Day (incl. Introduction MIZ) | 4.K22 and others |
21 22Designing /27 13: Designing Interactions26: sensing, perception & action |
20.10. – |
1610.11. | Interaction Narratives |
11 2609.12 Creative Coding | Programming |
13.11. (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar |
Hörsaal 130 1010–21–22.01. | Digital Fabrication |
3rd Semester
0609 1014 1811.09. | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
20, 16:00-16:45Zoom | 20 0827 1314.12. | Theorie 3: Aesthetics of Interaction |
12 051109 0312Data Interactive Visualization |
0912 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar |
Hörsaal 10712 2418.12. | Interdisciplinary Module |
1001 21 5th Semester
Date | Course/Module |
0631.0908. – 1004.09. | Blockwoche Theory |
1407.09. – 1811.09. | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
15.09., 15:00-15:4515.09. | Semester Overview | 4.K22-1 & 4.K15 |
2015.09. – 2216.10. | Mobile User Interface |
2721.09. – 1314.12. | Theorie 5: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This |
0708. 10 – 0809.10. | Free Flow Seminar | Atelierhäuser am Waldrand |
13.10 / 20.10 / 27.10. , 18:00-20:00 | CollaboHUB | 2.A05 Viaduktraum | 26.10. – 12– 06.11. | Interdisciplinary Module |
1610.11. - 2418.12. | Embodied Interaction |
0929.11. 12 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | Hörsaal 1 | 10.01 – 21tbd |
29.11. (morning) | Portfolio Review | tbd |
11. – 22.01. | BA Concept Seminar |
Spring semester
222021 – 112021Public holidays |
Good Friday / Karfreitag |
022120 |
Easter Monday / Ostermontag |
052120 |
Sechseläuten (half-day, please check with lecturers) |
192120 |
Labour Day / Tag der Arbeit | 01.05. |
21132120 |
Whit Monday / Pfingstmontag |
2405212nd Semester
0802–12.211502.–1921 (transdisciplinary)2221Semester overview meeting | 23.02.–262120 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
22–072120 | Theory 2: Interaction Design |
Methodology30–0721Interaction Design 260421Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) | 11–1121Graphical User Interface4th Semester
0802–12211502–1921 (transdisciplinary)2221Semester overview meeting | 23.02.–19.2120 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
0103–072120 | Theory 4: If only: design, technology and society |
23–3021Service Design2621Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) | 0420 | Service Design |
02.–03.05. |
–11.06.21Spatial Interaction20 | Hackathon |
tbd | Brief BA Thesis year overview |
6th Semester6th Semester
For a detailed calendar check here.
08–1221Digital Field Trip | 15.02–1920 | Career excursion |
10.–14.02. |
21 (transdisciplinary)26.04.21 | Conference Textures of Sustainability (mandatory) |
22.02.–252110 |
02.–03.05.20 | Hackathon |
04.06. |
Fall semester
2020212020 2021Knabenschiessen | 142020 |
Knabenschiessen (This is only relevant for people who have applied for the Blockwoche Theory. Please clarify with your lecturers whether you have the Monday off or not.) | 09.09.19 |
Semester start + Welcome Welcome lunch for all, semester overviews and Intro session (1st semester) |
and semester overview sessions (3rd/5th semester)1527 (afternoon)13 19 (afternoon) |
Information event for exchange semester (17:15) | 09.12.19 |
Winter Break | 23.12. |
– 19 – 05.01.20 |
Application exchange semester (08:30, first come first served) | 15.01.20 |
Fall Semester End |
2219.01.20 |
Unterrichtsfreie Zeit (no classes) |
25 3102. 1409.02.20 |
Project week (Projektwoche) |
15.02. – 191st 1st Semester
15 (incl. Introduction MIZ)16 |
17.09.19 (morning) | Introduction MIZ | Medien- und Informationszentrum |
17.09. – |
1618.10.19 | Object Experience |
21 1416.12.19 | Theorie 1: sensing, perception & action |
20 1019.11.19 | Interaction Narratives |
05 |
31.10. – 03.12.19 | Programming |
26.11. – |
1011ProgrammingBasic Graphic Interaction |
29.11.19 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | tbd |
24.11. – 04.12. | Reactive Signs | –22–17.01.20 | Digital Fabrication |
3rd Semester
31.08 0406.09.19 | Blockwoche Theory |
07. 111513.09.19 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
15.09. | Semester Overview | 16.09.19 | Welcome Lunch & Semester Overview | 4.K22-1 & 4.K15 |
17.09. – |
0210Soft architecture | 2119 | Physical Computing (Part 1) |
23.09. – |
1416.12.19 | Theorie 3: Aesthetics of Interaction |
06 3022.10.19 | Soft architecture |
23.10. – 05.11.19 | Physical Computing (Part 2) |
03 27Interactive Visualization | 1319 | Data Visualisation & Data Literacy |
29.11.19 (afternoon) | Alumni Seminar | tbd |
01 1820.12.19 | Interdisciplinary Module |
11 2217.01.20 | Sonic Interaction |
5th Semester
31.08 0406.09.19 | Blockwoche Theory |
07. 1113.09.19 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
15Semester Welcome Lunch & Semester Overview | 4.K22-1 & 4.K15 |
15 1618.10.19 | Mobile User Interface |
21 1416.12.19 | Theorie 5: Sweet Dreams Are Made of This |
08 0920 0608.11.19 | Interdisciplinary Module |
20. - 23.11.2019 | Reading Week |
12.11. - |
1820.12.19 | Embodied Interaction |
29.11.19 ( |
afternoonAlumni SeminarPortfolio Review | tbd |
29.11.19 ( |
morningPortfolio Review | tbd | 11. – 22.01. | BA Concept Seminar | Spring semester 2020
17.02.–05.06.20 | Alumni Seminar | tbd |
06. – 17.01.20 | BA Concept Seminar |
Spring semester 2019
Production Week (2nd semester) - Reading Week (4th semester) (Theory Monday to be held as usual, no practical studio courses).The time available should be used for advancing a production for the current course or for reading relevant literature. | 23.–26.04.19 |
Public holidays |
Good Friday / Karfreitag |
102019 |
Easter Monday / Ostermontag |
1320 (half-day, please check with lecturers)202019 |
Labour Day / Tag der Arbeit | 01.05. |
20212019 |
Whit Monday / Pfingstmontag |
012003–072010–142017(transdisciplinary) |
18.02.19 | Semester overview meeting |
19.02. |
–202019 | Praxismodule interdisciplinary |
24–012019, and other dates | Theory 2: Interaction Design Methods |
2425.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
26.03.- |
302002.–0320Hackathon | 05.05.-052003–072010–142019 | Z-Module (transdisciplinary) |
17–13.03.20Praxismodule interdisciplinary | 24.02.–01.06.2019 | Semester overview meeting |
18.02–06.05.19 | Theory 4: If only: design, technology and society |
1703–24042002.–03.05.20 | Hackathon28.04.–05.06.20 | Service Design |
25.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
26.03.–18.04.19 | Interdisciplinary module |
30.04.–07.06.19 | Service Design |
tbd | Brief BA Thesis year overview |
6th Semester
For a detailed calendar check here. 6th Semester
03–070220Career excursion | 10.–142017(transdisciplinary) |
25.03.19 | Designsymposium (mandatory) |
18.02. |
–2620Thesis02.–03.05.20 | Hackathon |
04thesis |
06.06.19 | Diploma Vernissage |