The module 'Spatial Interaction' challenges students to deepen their practical and conceptual knowledge of human interactions in their immediate surroundings with a focus on public space. Starting from a location in Zurich, students will develop spatial-technical frameworks for situated interactions. The student projects will connect people and societal processes.
Topic 2024: AI, Democracy and Public Space
As artificial intelligence begins to infiltrate various aspects of public life, from surveillance systems to algorithmic decision-making, it brings opportunities and challenges for democratic societies. Amongst privacy, surveillance, bias, and authorship concerns, it becomes easy to imagine an expanse of dystopian futures. AI features prominently in speculation of Existential Risk (Bostrum, 2002), and the numerous dystopian depictions of societal collapse driven by AI in science fiction provides plenty of material for anxiety. Many of these speculative horror scenarios are entering the everyday parlance of technology: the Alignment Problem (Gabriel, 2020), AI arms race (Moore, 2016), Superintelligence (Bostrom, 1998) andThe Singularity(Chalmers. 2016). Such concerns will always outnumber the list of positives: there are inherently more ways for any system to go wrong than to go right. But how do we increase the chance of our future with AI going in the right direction for the planet and for humanity instead of the infinite ways to go wrong? Many of the utopian scenarios being provided to us, however, come from people and organisations that stand the most to profit from the rapid and uncontrolled uptake of AI technology. For this reason, we must have an alternative source of visions beyond the solutionism (Morozov, 2013) of Silicon Valley.
In this module, we will build experimental futures for democracy in a spatial context. The course will work in collaboration with researchers from the SNF project “Stories of the Future”, a scientific communication project which aims to sensitize young people in Switzerland to the political and ethical nature of AI.
Geist, Edward Moore. "It’s already too late to stop the AI arms race—We must manage it instead." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72.5 (2016): 318-321.
Possible references:
Morozov, Evgeny. "The rise of data and the death of politics." The Guardian 20.07 (2014): 2014.
Exercises / Tasks Ideas:
Task 1 Developing a democratic discourse with AI
Task 2 Creating a political AI Mirror: The AI decides the nature of the 2nd exercise.
Week 1 | Monday, 29.04. | Tuesday, 30.04. | Wednesday, 01.05. | Thursday, 02.05. | Friday, 03.05. |
morning | 9:00 Kick-off & Introduction (ZT 4.K14 Seminarraum) | Start “Data, AI and Democracy in the City” Workshop with Ramona | Workshop with Ramona | ||
afternoon | Introduction Workshop with Ramona: “Data, AI and Democracy in the City” | Workshop with Ramona | Workshop with Ramona | ||
Week 2 | Monday, 6.05. | Tuesday, 7.05. | Wednesday, 8.05. | Thursday, 09.05. | Friday, 10.05. |
morning | Presentation of workshop results (In Zurich city, or 5.K06 Aktionsraum for bad weather) | Task 1 Introduction (4.T06 Seminarraum) Task 1 execution | Task 2 Execution | ||
afternoon | 13:00 Input Jérôme and his team (5.K06 Aktionsraum) | Task 1 execution 16:00 Task 1 presentation & discussion 16:00 Task 2 Introduction (4.T06 Seminarraum) | Task 2 Execution | ||
Week 3 | Monday, 13.05. | Tuesday, 14.05. | Wednesday, 15.05. | Thursday, 16.05. | Friday, 17.05. |
morning | Task 2 presentation & discussion (Zoom presentationpresentations incl. AI chatbots) | Concept Development | Concept + Prototype Development | Concept + Prototype Development | |
afternoon | Concept Development | 15:00 Concept Mentoring (Via Zoom) | Concept + Prototype Development | Concept + Prototype Development | |
Week 4 | Monday, 20.05. | Tuesday, 21.05. | Wednesday, 22.05. | Thursday, 23.05. | Friday, 24.05. |
morning | (09-12:30 Painting for BA Finals) Concept + Prototype Development | Group work/Production | Group work/Production | Group work/Production | |
afternoon | 14:00 Prototype Presentation & Steering Meeting (ZT 5.F01 Seminarraum) | 13:00 Mentoring (Atelier) Group work/Production | Group work/Production | Group work/Production | |
Week 5 | Monday, 27.05. | Tuesday, 28.05. | Wednesday, 29.05. | Thursday, 30.05. | Friday, 01.06. |
morning | Group work/ Production | Group work/ Production | Group work/ Production | Group work/ Production | Group work/ Production |
afternoon | 13:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier) | 13:00 Mentoring (Atelier) | 13:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier) | Group work/ Production | Group work/ Production |
Week 6 | Monday, 03.06. | Tuesday, 04.06. | Wednesday, 05.06. | Thursday, 06.06. | Friday, 07.06. |
morning | Group work | Group work | Vernissage / Final Presentation | documentation/ reflection | documentation |
afternoon | 14:00 Technical Support LF (Atelier) | Group work | Vernissage / Final Presentation | documentation/ reflection | documentation |
References AI & solutionism (from introductory text above)
Bostrom, Nick (2002) Existential risks: Analyzing human extinction scenarios and related hazards. Journal of Evolution and Technology 9.
Gabriel, Iason (2020) Artificial intelligence, values, and alignment. Minds and machines 30.3 : 411-437.
Geist, Edward Moore (2016) It’s already too late to stop the AI arms race—We must manage it instead. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 72.5: 318-321.
Bostrom, Nick (1998) How long before superintelligence. International Journal of Futures Studies 2.1: 1-9.
Chalmers, David J. (2016) The singularity: A philosophical analysis. Science fiction and philosophy: From time travel to superintelligence : 171-224.
Schüll, Natasha Dow (2013) The folly of technological solutionism: An interview with Evgeny Morozov.
Ledwich, Mark, and Anna Zaitsev (2019) Algorithmic extremism: Examining YouTube's rabbit hole of radicalization. arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.11211.
Georges Perec: Träume von Räumen (Auszug dt.), Espèces d'espace (extrait fr.). (via email)
Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368. (via email)
Asenbaum, Hans (2020) Spatial Theory of Democracy. Talk given at Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Webinar 5: “Democracy & Space” [min 06:10-18:08].
Voss, Jan Peter (2020) The McDonaldization of Democracy: Translocal Space-making by innovating “deliberative mini-publics”. Talk given at Participatory and Deliberative Democracy Webinar 5: “Democracy & Space” [min 18:45-35:33].
Garcia Vargas, Laura, et al. (2022) Geneva: a city of paradoxes and dualities. Diagnostic report on security, surveillance, and digital technologies.
Mendel, Maria (2019) The spatial ways democracy works: On the pedagogy of common places. Why, why now? https://doi.org/10.1177/0034523719839
Duberry, Jérôme (2023) Beyond Techno-solutionism and silver bullets.
Morozov, Evgeny (2014) PUBLIC SPACE // Shared Spaces with Evgeny Morozov.
Morozov, Evgeny (2014) The rise of data and the death of politics.
https://platform.openAIcom/docs/guides/prompt-engineeringFraninovic &
Kirschner: Microbiospherians. (via email)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-democracy
Further Reading
O'Kelly, Morton E. (2014) Spatial Interaction.
Weaver, Duncan (2020) Spatiality and World Politics. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190846626.013.562
Baccini, et. al.(2012) Metabolism of the Anthroposphere: Analysis, Evaluation, Design, MIT Press
González de Molina, Manuel, et al. (2014) The Social Metabolism: A Socio-Ecological Theory of Historical Change, Springer
Massey, Doreen (2009) Concepts of space and power in theory and in political practice, Documents d'anàlisi geogràfica 55, 15-26
Mol, Arthur P. J., et al. (2018) Zur Umweltsoziologie der Netzwerke und Flows. In: Groß M. (ed) Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 140–153
We will prepare doodles for mentoring with time slots of different lengths depending on the progress of the overall project. Reserve your slot and try to be on time. Questions can be asked anytime – also via email.
Exercises / Tasks Ideas:
Task 1 Developing a democratic discourse with AI
Task 2 Creating a political AI Mirror: The AI decides the nature of the 2nd exercise.
Exercise Results (Spatialize, Vegetalize, Leverage Points) (TBA)
Concept (TBA)
Milestone presentation prototype 1 (TBA)
Vernissage (5.6.)