Versions Compared


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Were the decisions consistent with your views? Did you think about your own views differently after the experiment: did you discover inconsistencies of or biases of your own that you were not aware of? Did the exercise influence your decision-making regarding the main concept, or was it a distraction?


Main Project Brief

Ultimately, the outcomes of the module will envision ways of living with AI , that empowers empower rather than deminishes diminish the agency of individuals and cummunitiescommunities. We apraoch approach the topic with protototypes prototypes and design interventions , that leverage our technical skills and designerly perspective. The However, the actual format of the end results will be developed through in-class discussions and steering meetings.


  1. Reflect on AI's Impact: Investigate the current and potential implications of AI on democratic and political processes, considering issues such as privacy, bias, and social and behavioural manipulation.

  2. Explore Spatial Dynamics: Explore how physical public spaces are being reshaped by AI and how the the future might be reimagined using AI to foster inclusivity, civic engagement, greater awareness or critical thinking on the topic.

  3. Prototype Experimental Futures: Create tangible prototypes and/or interventions that embody new approaches to ways of ‍‍‍living with AI in public spaces and in democratic processes. Record these your results extensively with photos, video and audio.