Update the chatGPT key file (this will be provided by email).
Modify the parameters to reflect your own views. Include views on topics you discussed in the first days of the course I.E. those relating to public space, technology and democracy.
Start conversing with the twin and modify the parameters to improve the results.
Test your twin with 3 difficult questions.
Save/document your modifications to the example from Github, the questions and the chat that you developed on the server @ smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/24_FS/Sem4_Spatial_Interaction/Individual/YOUR_NAME/.
Task 2 (group) Developing a democratic discourse with Digital Twins.
Within your group, think up a scenario or situation where you can incorporate your digital twins into choosing a concept for your group's main assignment. Attempt to play out the situation with your whole group and record the results with a short video (max 5 minutes).