The project-based presentation should include at least 5 projects illustrating each topic, that are gender-balanced, from various countries of origin. Projects can be taken in design, art, ethnography, science and other disciplines. What 'taxonomy' can you provide to categorize the 5+ projects? How these 5+ projects help get a sense of the field that you're presenting? How do they relate to the topic of the week and the readings of that week? - The presentation should be 5 minutes.
All presentation materials (slides, handouts incl. 2-pages written discussion) have to be uploaded to the server (smb://fileredu.ad.zhdk.ch/DDE/BDE_VIAD/01_ABGABEN/24_HS/Sem3_Aesthetics_of_Interaction) in the respective folders indicating the number of the class, the name of the class and your name.
There are two exams. One after the classes connected to Soft Architecture and one after the classes related to Data Visualization. Each exam is structured in two parts:
1) A multiple choice test about the content of the texts discussed in class.
2) A free theory-grounded argumentation about an overarching topic connected to the topics.
Readings for each session are made available on PAUL per session.
Additional readings can be proposed to underline a particular aspect and should be considered.