The class usually takes place on Mondays, from 15.00-16.45, on Zoom (with exceptions during the parallel seminar Soft Architecture!). Classes 4-11 take place on Zoom. In each session four students will give a presentation: two based on readings and the other two based on art and design projects. Each presentation is followed by a discussion and/or an in-class assignment. Each student has to write a final essay based on a topic chosen by the student in relation to a class assignment and his/her practical work in the seminar Soft Architecture or Data Visualization.
The project-based presentation should include at least 5 projects illustrating each topic, that are gender-balanced, from various countries of origin. Projects can be taken in design, art, ethnography, science and other disciplines. What 'taxonomy' can you provide to categorize the 5+ projects? How these 5+ projects help get a sense of the field that you're presenting? How do they relate to the topic of the week and the readings of that week? - The presentation should be 5 minutes.
Final Exams
There are two exams. One after the classes connected to Soft Architecture and one after the classes related to Data Visualization. Each exam is structured in two parts:
1) A multiple choice test about the content of the texts discussed in class.
2) A free theory-grounded argumentation about an overarching topic connected to the topics.
DESCRIPTION of the TOPICS and texts of the individual CLASSES
Class 1 - 1816.9., - Introduction
Introduction to the course, explanation and organisation of tasks/dates
Class 2 - 1925.09., - Material and Environmental Dynamics
presented by XXX (SM) and XXX (MEI)
Class 3 - 2502.0910. - Systems and Bodies
a) Burnham, Jack (1969). "Systems and Art". In Arts in Society. 6:2. University of Wisconsin, Summer/Fall 1969. 194-204.
b) Hartmann, Klemmer, Takayama (2006). "How Bodies Matter: Five Themes for Interaction Design". In DIS 2006.
presented by XXX (MEHS) and XXX (STS)
Class 4 - 02 07.10. - Anthropocene
a) Chakrabarty, Dipesh (2018). "Planetary Crises and the Difficulty of Being Modern". Millennium: Journal of International Studies: 1–24.
b) Internet and Energy:
presented by XXX (ELD) and XXX (AAD)
Class 5 - 0914.10. - Wavescapes
a) Hosokawa, Shuhei (1984). "The Walkman Effect". In Popular Music. 4. Performers and Audiences. 165-180.
b) Franinovic, Karmen and Salter, Christopher (2013). "The experience of Sonic Interaction". In Franinovic and Serafin: Sonic Interaction Design. 39-75.
presented by XXX (SA/D), XXX (DA) and XXX (S&Eco)
Class 6 - 16 21.10. - Services and Infrastructure
presented by XXX (SSD), XXX (BS)
Class 7 - 2328.10. - Exam part 1
Class 8 - 0611.11. - Introduction to data and data literacy
presented by XXX (Information Art), XXX (CT), XXX (BDW)
Class 9 - 1318.11. - Artificial Intelligence
presented by XXX (designing with AI), XXX (AI & environment)
Class 10 - 2025.11. - Data, Democracy and Surveillance Capitalism
presented by XXX (interventions), XXX (activism)
Class 11 - 2702.1112. - Exam part 2