Lecturers: Roman Kirschner and Anthea Oestreicher
Contents and Objectives
Wie können mit vorhandenen und beschränkten Mitteln temporäre Räume entstehen? Mit welchen Materialien können wir das erreichen? Welche Komponenten sind notwendig, um bestimmte Atmosphären zu entwickeln? Was passiert, wenn wir längst verlassene Räume neu betreten und bespielen, oder Raum in einem anderen Medium als Luft erfahren möchten?
Zu Beginn des Moduls untersuchen wir gemeinsam die lokalen wässrigen Ökosysteme, bzw. deren unsichtbare, ungesehene und flüchtigen Komponenten, die dennoch den Kosmos um das Wasser formen und in Balance halten. Diese Gegeben-, Besonder- und Eigenheiten untersuchen wir als Systeme, aquatische Mikrokosmen und Welten.
Welche Rollen finden wir in der Gruppe um dieses System zu verkörpern und die (Ge)Schichten spielerisch umzusetzen? Mit den gefunden Materialien, Geschichten und Wesen vor Ort erarbeiten wir Konzepte, Prototypen und Ideen für eigene (gläserne) Mikrokosmen, die mit Sensorik und Inter/Intra-aktion das (unsichtbare im) Ökosystem relational und spielerisch praktizieren, erfahrbar machen.
Im Toni bringen wir die gemachten Erfahrungen und Ideen in den räumlichen Kontext der ZHdK zurück und beschäftigen uns damit, wie diese als Repräsentationen und XXX in Aquarien verorten können. Dies geschieht mittels installativer Umsetzungen, begleitender Reflexionen und adäquater Prozessdokumentationen.
'science informs spectacle; and spectacle is science'
"Ecological microcosms are small ecosystems held in containers. Starting originally as a way to bring beauty and complexity of nature into schoolrooms and living rooms the world over, these small 'worlds' have become a major research tool.[…] In approaching teh subject of ecological microcosms, we were faced with the old ecological problem of boundary definitions. In nature, where does one ecological system begin and the adjacent ecosystem end?"
Introduction to Microcosmology p.3f. Odum Microcosms
The seminar is an introduction into designing (with) spaces. „Soft Architecture“ differs from the classical idea of architecture in that it does not aim to build permanently habitable spaces. It rather encourages students to experiment with existing spaces, to ask what they offer and how they can be adapted to communicate and afford specific atmospheres, narratives, rules, actions and interactions.
Experimenting with spaces comprises experimentation with structures and materials that give these spaces character. Through trial and error, bodily experiences and discussions, students develop their sensitivity and intuition as designers.
This year we will approach this experimentation with an ecological twist. Since spaces are neither abstract nor clinically pure, we also always have to take microbiological lifeforms and entropy into account. In this year’s issue will deal with microscopic/planktonic life forms, growth processes, environmental conditions, microcosms, and technically mediated connections between micro ecologies in playful settings.
Course: 16.09. – 10.10.2024
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 9-17
Week 1
Exkursion Wasserwerke, Lake (Zürichhorn),
Mittwoch 18.09:
18.09.2024, 9.30-11.30 Uhr
Empfang des Dienstgebäudes Hardhof 9, 8064 Zürich
- Begrüssung
- Einführung in die Wasserversorgung
- Rundgang durch die Anlagen
Oliver Köster
Limmat (Ende Altstetten, kleine Insel, Kurve, Brücke https://maps.app.goo.gl/5sgdDNHqkLeVHGfv5 - Nähe Hardhof Wasserwerk),
Schlechtwetterplan: Nexus Spiel von EMBL
Week 2: 24/25: Martina Huber: Ausstellungen und Initiativen, ArtSci Kollaborationen etc
Input/ offene Fragen/ zu behandelnde Themen:
- Kontrast Sensorik/Organismen (Wasserwerke) - punktuell/holistischer?
- Mikrokosmen
- Lebenserhaltung in abgeschlossenem Bereich
- Einführung
- Ideenentwicklung (und Teamfindung)
- Spielentwicklung (Thema/Ziel/Regeln/Umsetzung)
Monday (16.09.) | Tuesday (17.09.) | Wednesday (18.09) | Thursday (19.09) |
9:00-11:00 Kickoff (4T31) (11:00 ??) 1st semester welcome | Anfrage - ZHAW outdoor (wetter - flex) | outdoor (wetter - flex) Visit Grundwasserwerk Hardhof - Tour 9:30 Limmat Spot Project Development Individual Mentoring | 9:00 Project Group Building (4T06) |
13-15 irgendwas nicht theoretisches;) 15-17 Einführung Aesthetics of Interaction | Ideation exercises [Semester Overview with Jürgen (Zoom)] | outdoor (wetter - flex) | Project Development Individual Mentoring |
Week 2
Monday (23.09) | Tuesday (24.09) | Wednesday (25.09) | Thursday (26.09) |
09:00 - 10:30 Presentation of idea per subgroup Discussion (5F02 - 9-12) | Project Development | Individual Mentoring Project Development | Individual Mentoring Project Development |
13-15 | Project Development | Individual Mentoring Project Development 15-17 Aesthetics of Interaction | 13:00 - 14:30 Presentation Mockups, Experiments and Ideas. (4T06 13-17) Martina (Experimental Ecology) |
Week 3
Monday (30.09) | Tuesday (1.10.) | Wednesday (2.10) | Thursday (3.10) |
Individual Mentoring Project Development | |||
13-15 | Project Development | 15-17 Aesthetics of Interaction |
Week 4
Monday (7.10) | Tuesday (8.10.) | Wednesday (9.10) | Thursday (10.10) |
Mentoring Project/ Exhibition Execution Details | Individual Mentoring - Zurich project Project Development | Class Feedback | |
13-15 15-17 Aesthetics of Interaction | Project Development | 15.00 Exhibition Vernissage | Documentation & |
Indoor Studio:
16.09. – 03.10.: Room: RAUM-No. Projektraum Design ZT 4.K22-1 (flexible) (09:00-17:00) + Werkstatt + other rooms for occasional presentations (see schedule above)
7.10. - 10.10. Kunstraum ZT 5.K12
Exhibition Vernissage: 9.10. 3pm15:00
Bring for field day/ working at the site:
basic construction material by preference (tapes, cable ties, strings, small tools, saw (?), knife (?), textiles (?)),
Roman & Anthea bring: Underwater Camera, Microscope (in the lab), various sensors(?),
Field research task:
Develop attention for atmosphere, presence, performances (of spaces, people, materials), fields (of actions, of influences), rhythms of environment (sea, wind, season), different time frames, collaboration with the landscape, interactions between people, materials, and spaces.
How to recreate or represent the experiences and spaces from the field trip back in Toni?In case of any emergency you can always reach me (Roman) on my mobile phone: +43 699 1133 7036