Week 1 - DATA / MATERIAL COLLECTION | Tu. 12.11 | | Th. 14.11 | Fr. 15.11 |
Morning (starting 9:00 unless noted otherwise) | 9.30 Kick-off course (syllabus presentation) {jb, jr} Input - Embodied Interaction/Fabrication {jb}
Discussion in groups Part I: From ideation to in-depth concept {jb, jr} - Discuss the points in the lecture that inspired you, troubled you, confused you - what stayed. What experience could you create from these interactions?
| 10.00 Input - References, case studies & working with live data {jr}
Discussion in groups Part II: - Discuss the points in the lecture that inspired you. What experience could you create from these interactions? {jb, jr}
| 10.30 Meet at Enea Baummuseum, Rapperswill-Jona
- Sensory & Listening exercises {jb, jr}
| 9.30 Presentation Assignments (2min/student) Input - Methods for 2 projects {jb}
Discussion in groups - Part IV - Decide your group (2-4 people)
*we may finish at 12.30
Afternoon (starting 13:00 unless noted otherwise)
| Kick-Off exercise
***In prep for next week, start collecting materials (or growing them)***
***16:30 - 19:00: Mandatory Exchange Semester Talks | Presentation of Kick-off exercise (2min/student)
Discussion in groups - Part III: From ideation to in-depth concept - What embodied interaction experience do you want to create?
- What inspires it? (material, relation, environment, data, topic...)
- What role does it play, what does it provoke?
- What data makes sense to use to ground your directions?
- What metaphor could be relevant?
{jb} | Group study |
4.T37 | 4.K15 |
| 3.T11 |
Week 2 - DATA MAPPING & MATERIAL EXPERIMENTATION | | | Th. 21.11 | Fr. 22.11 |
| Independent study: Material workshop prep - post research on Miro board - ADD sources - and prep your demo showcasing an interactive experience with the material you picked
*where the material comes from, -how it has been extracted, -by whom (labor involved), -their lifecycle, -their history, -their trade (who exports, imports, with what tariffs, duties...), -their legislation (what are the treaties legislating the trade & their consumption...), -their price value, -their exploitation (which companies are involved, fields...), -their environmental and human impact -their affordances +rarity, waste, off-the-shelf, availability, function, unfunction, forms of fabrication, etc...
| Material workshop day {jb, jr}
9.00 Set up materials in room w/ JR
9.30 Demo & presentations - bring the materials you have collected and create interfaces that take into account their properties and affordances + we project the Miro Board on wall that displays your investigations into the material you chose
14.30 In the afternoon, each group proposes a collective experiment around one of the materials presented in class
| 9.30 Data & Materials: first ideas/mentorings
- Input/Discussion: What meaning do you give to the data? How does it support and anchor your concepts? What metaphors do you use for mapping? How to interact with machines and materials in processes of fabrication? How do materials support prototyping concepts? {jb}
- Quick Catch-up per group/first mentorings {jb}
| Group study Atelier Walk-through {jr}
Afternoon |
***14:00 - 16:00: Mandatory Atelier Presence (Infotag Walk-Through) |
| 4.K15 | Zoom (tbc) |
Week 3 - FABRICATION | | We. 27.11 | Th. 28.11 | Fr. 29.11 |
Morning | 9.30 Class presentation: First prototypes and research directions (8mn/group) Present Initial low-tech prototype on body (show/demo actual work) and Answer the questions we asked in the groups discussion: - what experience are you designing? what is at the core the sense it makes and how the various design factors support your decisions?
- how is the body (bodies) & its properties impacted?
- from your design interest/wish, reflect on what drives it: data, material, fabrication technique, function, critique, curiosity, inspiration..?
- what is the data you will use and how do you collect it? (api, sensor, live, dataset, personal, collective etc…)
- how will you map it?
- how will you fabricate it? (technology used, materials used…)
- which interface for which material?
- what is the larger socio-eco-political context of the material you are using? of your general approach?
- what story are you telling?
+ Aspects of choreography & forms of embodied performance {jb, jr}
**we may finish the class at 12.30 | Group study | Group study
| Group study Atelier Walk-through/tech questions {jr} |
Afternoon | Group study | 1413.00 Mentoring/Presentations in separate groups - Materials experiments & Advanced Prototype II {jb, jr}
| 4.K15 | 4.K15 |
| Atelier & other |
Week 4 - FABRICATION | | We. 04.12 | Th. 05.12 | Fr. 06.12 |
| Group study | Group study
| Group study
from 10.30: Brief catch-up/short mentorings {jb}
11.00 Public Presentation - Catwalk in public/ Toni bridge + debrief in class
{jb, jr} |
Afternoon | Mentoring/Tech questions - Advanced Prototype III At Body/Final Scale {jr}
| Group study
17.00 Delivery: PDF with Overall Concept, Main directions (see questions from last week), Inspirations/Related Work, Material inquiries, and Prototype
4.K15 |
| Zoom & /or atelier (tbc) | 5.K10 |
Week 5 - FINAL PRODUCTION 1 | Tu. 10.12 | We. 11.12 | Th. 12.12 | Fr. 13.12 |
Morning | Group study | Group study
| Group study
Atelier Walk-through {jr} | Group study
11.00 Advanced Presentation - Choreography - Various places in or outside Toni (find your location) {jb, jr} |
| 13.00 Mentoring - Advanced Prototype IV - pushing iteration after catwalk {jb}
4.K15 | Group study |
Week 6 - FINAL PRODUCTION 2 | Tu. 17.12 | We. 18.12 | Th. 19.12 | Fr. 20.12 |
Morning | Group study
| Group study: prep final presentation
| final prep / set-up | Documentation - Deadline 17.00
| 14.00 Last checks Completed Prototype V {jb, jr}
| 13.00 Final Presentation - Performance
+Circle session Last Discussion - Students Review lessons learned + Feedback session {jb, jr} location tbd |
Zoom |