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eSpring 2024: March 18 - April 19.


The module takes place from March 18 17 - April 1918, over 5 weeks, from Monday to Friday each week, 9.00-17.00  (On Monday morningsMondays, depending on the week, the Method class takes place in mornings or afternoons overlapping with transitions to the Process class, and Friday mornings are for your BA theory courses) -   See detailed hours in calendar below (room info in Evento). 
**Some sessions may take place via Zoom (although sessions happening both in Zoom and in presence at the same time will not be possible).

Class sessions include lectures, discussions, mentoring sessions, in-class exercises, home assignments and independent study blocks (students are expected to iterate and advance versions in between sessions together).


This course is project-based and will allow students to have a hands-on experience.
Organised in groups, students will develop innovative design concept for a product, a service or an experience. 

Overarching Topic:

A Absurdity in a world of systemic changes... upside down...issues

The topic for this class addresses the typical design premise of interaction designers' wishes to have a societal impact. People-centered design is at the core of interaction design studies and human-computer interaction research. What does this premise actually mean? What are the limitations, frustrations, realities of designing on the ground? What if we should move away from a human-centric design to a non-human one? The class proposes to look at proposal of changes not in term of individual behaviours but addressing if systemic changes can happen from a design proposal.
We will also uncover the contradictions of a designer's responsibility, agency and idealisation. Events and conjunctures that are overwhelming and bleak, such as global warming, the collapse of ecosystems, wars, economic struggles, social injustices etc can make us feel powerless and make design proposals seem insignificant. Yet, in this dark context, we have the opportunity to re-value humour and gaiety as points of counterbalance and as design tools. Hence this year, we will take a special detour at ways that we can design with a sense of playfulness, absurdity and humour. 


  • Week 4: Stories and users 
    How is your work being evaluated? 
    Methods: forms of evaluation, from user-testing to narratives enacting scenarios

  • Week 5: Production 
    Independent study week: working on your production assignment and setting your own agenda
    (Exceptional mentorings could be available during this week, although you are mostly on your own)
    Finalising the project 

  • (Week 6: Polishing details/Final Documentation)


    • Live sketching
    • Demo with prototyping
    • Classic Slides presentation
    • etc.

  • Week 2 Check-ins requirements:
    Name of group/project
    Knowledge Inquiry
    5 related works
    Lessons learned from the field / probes
    Where do you want to go
    How do you get there (identify roles, needs, actions)
    Prototype 1.0

  • Week 5 4 First cut of video
    Delivered by Tuesday 16 Monday 14.4 morning on server
  • Journal/Blog


Week 1
Into the Wild!

Monday 17.03

Tuesday 18.03

Wednesday 19.03

Thursday 20.03

Friday 21.03


(starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)

  • 9.00-10.30 Theory class: Design/Undesign Perspectives & Biases 

    + Overview of the IAD Process topic & scope (jb)

  • Introduction about the module, Note on Documentation

Discussion observations

  • Exercise, part 1: topic and group building (answering questions & themes emerging)
    (jb, nf)

  • Exercise, part 2: topic and group building (clustering by themes)
    (jb, nf)

NF is teaching Master

jb: i will look into that

  • Input
    Ethnographic study & 

    Sense Making (nf)

  • First unedited results (sound, photos, videos, observations) (jb, nf)

Field Research

Suggestion to move presentation from afternoon to morning or on Monday, that I can join SD 

jb: that would be too difficult to do it monday (bits&atoms + theory) and too soon on the morning for the 1st week - they need more time

(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)

  • Assignment quick observation - post on Miro

Going back to the Field 

Going back to Field 

  • 14.00 Group presentations: Inspirations and Field Research (First impressions of 2-3 iterations, narrative over 1.5 days, questions/reflections that drove your choices for the field study) 5-7mn/group

  • Expectations for the following week

Independent study

Week 2
Idea Transfers

Monday 24.03

(Bits & Atoms)

Tuesday 25.03

Wednesday 26.03

Thursday 27.03

Friday 28.03

(starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)

Field Research & Desk-based Research
(Related work, 

Field Research & Desk-based Research
(Related work, 

Field Research & Desk-based Research
(Related work, 

(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)

  • 13.00-14.30
    Theory class: Experience and the "user"

    15.00-15.30 Process class Exercise: Very rapid prototyping 

  • 15.30 Group Presentations:

  • Input "Narrowing Down" (nf) 

  • Mentorings per Group (30 Min) (nf) 

Field Research & Desk-based Research
(Related work, 

Check-in by groups: Advanced concept: Related Work/Inspirations, Further field research, Directions and Prototype 1.0
(jb, nf)
Independent study

Week 3

Monday 31.3

(Bits & Atoms)

Tuesday 1.4

Wednesday 2.4

Thursday  3.04

Friday 4.4

(starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)

  • 10.00 Present Exercise:  
    Prototyping ideas with Performance enactment / Bodystorming

  • quick catch up per group in atelier or class (jb) 

Independent Study

Independent Study


(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)

  • 13.00-14.30
    Theory class: Prototyping concepts, prototyping everything

    Prototyping with Bodystorming in the field: follow/observe situation in the field (outside Toni)

Independent Study

  • tbc: on request: quick catch up (zoom tbc) (jb) 

Demoes on location (all groups together):
Prototypes demoes in situation 
(jb, nf)

Week 4
Stories and Users

Monday 7.4

Tuesday 8.4

Wednesday 9.4

Thursday 10.4

Friday 11.4

(starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)

bits atoms?

    Theory class: Storytelling as a Prototype (jb)

Storytelling & Storyboards (nf) 

Independent Study

10.30 Check-In by groups: Video showcase:
Narratives showcasing prototypes in action
(nf, jb)

(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)

14:00-17:00 Mentoring Storyboard (nf)

Independent Study: Start final production

Independent Study

Week 5

Monday 14.04

Tuesday 15.04

Wednesday 16.04

Thursday  17.04

Friday 18.04

(starts at 9.00 otherwise noted)

  • 9.30-11.00
    Theory class: Evaluating Outcomes (with participants) (jb)




(starts at 13.00 otherwise noted)

Editing Mentoring: (nf)

I would move that mentoring to Wed.

>>jb: it wouldn't make sense to have the editing mentoring the day right before the final day or what do you think? wednesday morning?


*Booking photo studio Deadline

  • Atelier/walk-thru /Mentoring (jb)
  • Final Group presentations - choose location

  • Feedback session
    (jb, nf)
