Exercise "light as matter":
- 5 minute presentation
presentation of the concept and prototype
- The final prototype / mock-up
- 5 minute presentation
Under "Projektdokumentation" you'll find guidelines for naming of folders and files.
As you are working in Teams use joined folders like:
- Aurelian Ammon - Vinzenz Leutenegger
- Durrer - Pfister - Kruesi
Place your common "light as matter" presentation, as well as your individual documentations in that joined folder (make sure that the individual documentation contains your name in the filename).
Final Presentation:
Friday 14th of October at 13:00 || Seminarraum ZT 5.K01
Time per presentation: max. 10min & 5min discussion
- Discover (research, inspiration ) // 2-4slides
- Design (initial idea, prozess, iterations,…) 2-4 slides
- Deliver (final concept) // 4 slides
What to document:
The process and outcome of the following exercises