Students take part in IAD beyond their studies.
There are many opportunities to help with.
Participation and help for school events
Infotag 24.11.2017Hackaton beginning February 2018(November) - two students present IAD to interested candidates during the design department event, and other students present more specific projects during
Hackaton (Various dates)
World IA Day 24.2.2018(February)
UX camp 5.5.2018(May)
BA thesis exhibition (June) - 2nd and 4th semesters help the final year with preparing the exhibition
Prizes / Awards
ZHdK Highlights - Nomination deadline 09. June
ZHdK Förderpreis (Promotional Prize) - Nomination deadline at the beginning of June
Campus points In addition, some students are hired for various events.
There are paid positions for tutoring design students, on need basis.
If you are interested in giving support on a particular skill (usually programming, web-dev related, electronics, software..), let Martin know (
Campus points
Students can work in a variety of workshops, and projects that IAD takes part in, usually during the semester breaks (February and Summer) or as side projects during studies.
For these involvements, students get campus points.
In the BSO (Besondere Studienordnung für den Studiengang Bachelor of Arts in Design der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste) § 17.1,2 it is stated:, study services from other modules or Campus Points can be counted instead of one or more compulsory or elective modules, if they are comparable in content and learning objectives and have been approved by the course management. A maximum of 6 ECTS points can be counted.
§ 17. 1 Studienleistungen aus anderen Modulen oder CampusPunkte können anstelle eines oder mehrerer Pflicht- oder WahlpflichtModule angerechnet werden, wenn sie in Inhalt und Lernzielen vergleichbar sind und von der Studiengangsleitung anerkannt wurden.
§ 17.2 Es können insgesamt höchstens 6 ECTS-Punkte angerechnet werden.