Week 3 - Monday, 15.10.18 - Your place in the world
role of designer
Lindtner, Silvia, Bardzell, S. & Bardzel, J. 2016. “Reconstituting the Utopian Vision of Making: HCI After Technosolutionism”. In CHI ‘16.
Suchman, Lucy. 2011. "Anthropological Relocations and the Limits of Design". In Annual Review of Anthropology. 40:1–18.
Project Topic:
- Private & Public Space
Week 4 - Monday, 22.10.18 - Systems
Bown, Oliver, Gemeinboeck, P. and Saunders, R. 2014. "The Machine as Autonomous Performer" in L. Candy and S. Ferguson (eds.), Interactive Experience in the Digital Age: Evaluating New Art Practice, Springer Series on Cultural Computing, pp.75-90.
Burnham, Jack. 1969. “Systems and Art”. In Arts in Society. 6:2. University of Wisconsin, Summer/Fall 1969. 194-204.
Project Topic:
- Net Art & Software Art (incl.Blockchain)
Week 6 - Monday, 05.11.18 - The Cyborg in me
Bettelheim, Bruno. 1959. “Joey: A ‘Mechanical Boy,’” in Scientific American, March 1959, 116–127.
Nass, C and Moon, Y. 2000. "Machines and Mindlessness: Social Responses to Computers", in Journal of Social Issues. 56:1. 81-103.
Project Topics:
- Artificial Intelligence
navigation and orientation
Excerpt from movie Jacques Tati
Excerpt from movie about city
Starosielski, Nicole. “Warning: Do Not Dig’: Negotiating the Visibility of Critical Infrastructures.” Journal of Visual Culture 11, no. 1 (April 1, 2012): 38–57.
- Sonic Art
- Smart Cities
Lecture: Historical overview II - Modern Times
Movie excerpt: The Clock
Narratives - CinemaYoungblood, G. 1970. Expanded Cinema. P. Dutton&Co, Inc. Excerpt.
Essay Proposal Deadline:
On half-page, present the topic area with reference to literature, an abstract of approx. 8-10 sentences, and the rough structure of the essay in key points. You'll present in class your essay proposal in a couple sentences (1mn each).
Week 9 - Monday, 19.11.18 - Matrix
Nick Dyer-Witheford and de Peuter, G. 2009. "Immaterial Labor: A Workers’ History of Videogaming" in Games of Empire : Global capitalism and Video Games. Univ. of Minnesota Press.
Irani, Lilly C., and M. Six Silberman. 2013. “Turkopticon: Interrupting Worker Invisibility in Amazon Mechanical Turk.” In CHI ’13.
- Game & Realities
Foucault, Michel, Martin, L. H., Gutman, H., & Hutton, P. H. 1988. Technologies of the self. A seminar with Michel Foucault. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press. pp16-39.
Malafouris, Lambros. 2008. "At the Potter’s Wheel: An Argument for Material Agency" in C. Knappett, L. Malafouris (eds.). Material Agency. Springer Science+Business Media.
- Bio Hacking & DIY medicine
Feynman, Richard F. 1960. “There’s plenty of room at the bottom”. In Engineering and Science Magazine. 23. February 1960. 22–36.
New Aesthetics, new anxieties
- Disobedience
Week 12 - Monday, 17.12.18 - Hacking Values
Essay Deadline: 17 December 2018 (posted on IAD server)