BA concept seminar structure:
Students will develop a conceptual and practical exploration for their final BA thesis and present the experience they aim to create in the form of a 52-page essaythesis project description, a blog documenting the 2-weeks progress and a pretotypepretotype showing the core aspects of the interactive experience they are aiming to design.
The concept seminar addresses notions in preparation for their final thesis work:
- what does it mean to make a statement , and a contribution to the field of interaction design?
- how to identify the design, social and experiential opportunities within the topic of interest?
- how to expand a thesis disposition towards a process of idea generation, translation and executionSeveral exercices will allow define a space of potential design explorations?
- how to narrow down the topic following own personal positioning, approach and interests?
- how to test out the scale and the scope of the thesis.?
(2) Course Outline
The 2 weeks are divided into two parts: an investigative week with quick exercises and iterations, and a second week with more independent work where students can advance their prototypes pretotype, engage in field study and test out some ideas.
Week 1 | Monday 7.1 | Tuesday 8.1 | Wednesday 9.1 | Thursday 10.1 | Friday 11.1 |
Morning 9.30 - 12.30 | Brief Introduction about the module Quick Round: Presentation of Intents / Ideas Exercise 1: 20 ways of description | Exercise 2: 10 ways of investigation | Exercise 3: 10 ways of manifestation | Individual Discussions | Ad-hoc lecturers presentations based on student projects |
Afternoon 13.30 - 17.00 | Follow-up: Pick 2-3 and develop | Follow-up: Pick 2-3 and develop | Follow-up: Pick 2-3 and develop | Individual Discussions | Exercise 4: Situate |
Week 2 | Monday 14.1 | Tuesday 15.1 | Wednesday 16.1 | Thursday 17.1 | Friday 18.1 |
Morning 9.30 - 12.30 | Mid-Presentation: where are you now? what is your road map? | Field / Practice Study | Field / Practice Study | Field / Practice Study | Final Presentations: progress and 'pretotype' |
Afternoon 13.30 - 17.00 | Field / Practice Study | Field / Practice Study | Mentoring (on request) | Field / Practice Study | 17.00 5-page essay deliveries |