Versions Compared


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BA concept seminar structure:


Week 1Monday 7.1Tuesday 8.1Wednesday 9.1Thursday 10.1Friday 11.1 
9.30 - 12.00

Brief Introduction about the module

Quick Round: Presentation of Intents / Ideas

Exercise 1: 20 ways of description

Exercise 2:

10 ways of investigation

Theme Space 

Exercise 3: Design Space 


MentoringExercise 5: 10 ways of manifestationIndividual DiscussionsAd-hoc lecturers presentations based on student projects
13.30 - 17.00

Follow-up: Pick 2-3 and develop

Follow-up: Pick 2-3 and developFollow-up: Pick 2-3 and developIndividual Discussions


MentoringExercise 4: 10 ways of investigationMentoringExercise 4: Situate
Week 2Monday 14.1Tuesday 15.1Wednesday 16.1Thursday 17.1Friday 18.1
9.30 - 12.30

Mid-Presentation: where are you now? what is your road map?

Field / Practice Study

Field / Practice Study

Field / Practice Study

Final Presentations: progress and 'pretotype'

13.30 - 17.00
Field / Practice Study

Field / Practice Study

Mentoring (on request)Field / Practice Study17.00 5-page essay deliveries


Exercise 1: 20 ways of description

Write down twenty ways to define our topics on post its and later sort them into categories we found fitting. Define two or three most important statements.

Exercise 2: Topic Space

Map existing ides and projects across qualities, parameters and values that are important for the topic. Use sketches to present projects on your topic space. 

Exercise 3: Populating Design Space 

Identify two or three most important dimensions of your topic space. This will be your design space. Sketch quickly 50 ideas to populate your design space. Place them on your design space (document/photograph).

Exercise 4: 10 ways of manifestation

Select 10 of your ideas  and develop in more detail.

Exercise 5: 10 ways of investigation

Exercise 6: Situate
