(also Read the information in the MuLab Doc)
- Load MultiSampla by clicking on an empty slot Create an instrument track in the rack
- Note on signal flow: the racks get MIDI data from top, and then this is transferred into audio by the multisampler) Deleting instances in Rack -> Right-click on instance, don’t use delete / backspace directly on the rack (deletes whole rack!)by clicking the small plus-symbol
- In the "Choose Instrument" window select Devices > Instruments > Multisampla
- In the "Multi-Sampler" section of the "MultiSampla Front Panel" window double click the black input field (or click the small arrow) to open up the Multi-Sample view
- Create Sample Zone by drag & drop a soundfile (wav / aiff) or by doubleclicking the area under the keyboard and dragging the mouse
- Samples should always be uncompressed WAV or AIFF (performance/latency)! If a sample can’t be loaded, change format to aiff / wav and samplerate / bitrate to project rate
- Make sure your samples have simple systematic names, to simplify coding later.
- Assigning your sounds starting with the lowest midi note value: C-2, / decimal value “0”. This makes it easier to build a functional prototype.
- When you use a synth it may be necessary to transpose the synth so that sounds are audible. Transposition is achieved with XPOS
- Make sure the velocity sensitivity (VS) is set to zero (VS knob in multisampler AMP section) -> ensures that the sound is played at equal volume no matter how strong you press the key (simulates a simple trigger)
- Save Multisampla presets ("save as" icon in Multisampla, navigate to desired location).
- Rename the multisample set (sample-to-note assignements) using the cogwheel icon to be able to identify samplesets.
- Configure Loop (Loopmodes): Start of playback, start of loop and end of loop. Usually “alternating” is the best mode
- Add Loop point for three-step loops (Start / loop start-point / loop end-point) by double-clicking the timeline.