- Create a Midi Mapped Controller (e.g. transpose -> XPOS): Right-click on interface (knob, slider) and select “map controller“, then move the desired control (know, slider) on the Keyboard
- there are also LFO and envelope generators in MultiSampla, e.g. for ADSR curves for the amp (e.g. to create a smooth fadeout at the end of a loop)
- Plug effects directly into the Multisampla instance. There are four slots available. Map controllers again with right-click on the control interface
- You can also plug effects in the rack, after sound generators, and map controllers in the same fashion as for multisampla
- Use mapping overview for each rack (right click on rack -> edit MIDI controller map) for overview
- Again: We need to using use several racks to enable independent controls / different version of same sample, etc. For this purpose:
- -> insert “send” to the next rack BEFORE sound generating instance in rack (this sends MIDI events, otherwise it would send audio)
- -> edit focus midi map to force rack 1 (in menu “Project”)