(see also MuLab Online Help and the MuLab Forum at KVR)
Note: If on OSX the MuLab window is dragged too high up, the window handler will disappear behind the OSX menu. In this case, You can right-click the window border and choose Move To Top-Left. Or alt-click-drag the window border to move the window. (Cfr http://www.mutools.com/info/docs/common/gui-info.html)
MuLab Setup
- Make sure midi interface is activated (in menu “edit” -> midi setup) and running (check using midi monitor in menu MuLab > Help)
- Make sure the Midi Keyboard is set to the LOWEST OCTAVE. This makes sure that your Note-Trigger events start with the lowest MIDI Number (= 0). Usually, the Note “0” corresponds to the Note “C-2” (sometimes “C-1”).
- In case your midi keyboard offers “presets”, make sure you NEVER change the keyboard preset, once selected, as this may change the controller assignements!
- Note, if you need to use output & input simultaneously, or if you want to use Bluetoot audio devices: On some versions of OSX you may have to create an “aggregate device” combining Input / Output (builtin) or to enable the use of Bluetooth Audio devices (which show up as two separate devices in the Audio-midi Setup).