Another advantage is that MuLab is quite agnostic to midi MIDI control numbers, which makes it very flexible for mapping. (Other DAWs have several pre-assigned controllers (e.g. to control the volume on the mixer or playback) which in our case would be confusing)
(see also MuLab Online Help and the MuLab Forum at KVR)
MuLab Setup
(for introduction to MIDI go here.)
- Make sure midi MIDI interface is activated (in menu “edit” -> midi setup) and running (check using midi monitor in menu MuLab > Help)
- Make sure the Midi Keyboard is set to the LOWEST OCTAVE. This makes sure that your Note-Trigger events start with the lowest MIDI Number (= 0). Usually, the Note “0” corresponds to the Note “C-2” (sometimes “C-1”).
- In case your midi keyboard/controller offers “presets”, make sure you NEVER change the MIDI keyboard/controller preset, once selected, as this may change the controller assignements!
- Note, if you need to use output & input simultaneously, or if you want to use Bluetoot audio devices: On OSX you may have to create an “aggregate device” combining Input / Output (builtin) or to enable the use of Bluetooth Audio devices (which show up as two separate devices in the Audio-midi Setup).