ZT 4.K15. The room is only ours every tuesday until friday. There will be theory classes in this seminar room every monday, so leave the space in perfect condition on friday evening!
Additionally, we have a "sub"-reservation of the Modellbauwerkstatt from the 7.3 until the 29.3. Those who have access can work there at a small capacity.
Overview and Objectives
The module 'Spatial Interaction' engages students with the notion of space from a specific metabolic perspective: we will look at Toni as if it was an organism with specific needs for its daily survival. This includes physical aspects like e.g. energy supply, food consumption, waste disposal, streams of people, but also processes in the domain of information, like internal and external communication, knowledge about its states, maintaining conceptual boundaries and transfers, directing internal and external perceptions, etc.., and last but not least social aspects like e.g. who uses the building and benefits from it and who is enabling the services and deals with which sort of tools, energies and information.
Week 1 | Tuesday, 19.02. | Wednesday, 20.02 | Thursday, 21.02. | Friday, 22.02. |
morning | Kick-Off | 9:15! Input: Biosphere 2 10:45 Tour Masoala-Rainforest Zoo Zurich | Individual Preparation for Exercise 1 | Exercise 2 (Spatial Analysis) |
afternoon | Toni-Tour and Input by K. König | Input: Technology 1 (14.30) | Exercise 1 (Conceptual Speed Dating) | Exercise 3 (Space-Activity-Matrix) |
Week 2 | Tuesday, 26.02. | Wednesday, 27.02. | Thursday, 28.02. | Friday, 01.03. |
morning | individual work | Mentoring Verena individual work | Mentoring Joël? individual work | project work |
afternoon | 14:00 Presentation First Concepts | Mentoring Verena | project work | project work |
Week 3 | Tuesday, 05.03. | Wednesday, 06.03. | Thursday, 07.03. | Friday, 08.03. |
morning | project work | Mentoring Verena? project work | Mentoring Verena? project work | project work |
afternoon | project work | Mentoring Verena? project work | Mentoring Verena? project work | project work |
Week 4 | Tuesday, 12.03. | Wednesday, 13.03. | Thursday, 14.03. | Friday, 15.03. |
morning | 10:00 Presentation Second Stage | Mentoring M project work | On-Demand Mentoring Joël project work | project work |
afternoon | Mentoring M (mandatory) project work | Mentoring M project work | project work | project work |
Week 5 | Tuesday, 19.03. | Wednesday, 20.03. | Thursday, 21.03. | Friday, 22.03. |
morning | project work | project work | final presentations | documentation |
afternoon | 14:00 Gathering project work | On-Demand Mentoring Joël project work | feedback session | documentation |
Phase 0: Kick-off, Inputs
- First Concept (everybody)
- Second Stage (informal and optional – some approaches might not be presentable at this time. But if you want your project to be discussed by the whole group, present it here! Otherwise come to the mandatory mentoring the same afternoon or the following day.)
- Final (this really counts!)
Bourdieu, Pierre (1989) Sozialer Raum, symbolischer Raum. In: Dünne J., Raumtheorie - Grundlagentexte aus Philosophie und Kulturwissenschaften, Suhrkamp 2006, 354-368
Flusser, Vilém (1991) Räume. In: Dünne 2006, 274-258
González de Molina, Manuel, et al. (2014) The Social Metabolism: A Socio-Ecological Theory of Historical Change, Springer
Mol, Arthur P. J., et al. (2018) Zur Umweltsoziologie der Netzwerke und Flows. In: Groß M. (ed) Handbuch Umweltsoziologie. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 140–153
Nelson, Mark, Pushing our limits, University of Arizona Press
Perec, Georges (1997) Species of Spaces, Penguin
Reider, Rebecca (2009) Dreaming of the Biosphere: the theater of all possibilities, University of New Mexico Press
Weinstock, Mark (2013) System City: Infrastructure and the Space of Flows, Architectural Design 224
Whyte, William H. (1980) The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, Project for Public Spaces
Zabel, Bernd, et al. (1999) Construction and engineering of a created environment: Overview of the Biosphere 2 closed system, Ecological Engineering 13, 43–63