Spring 2017: March 28 - May 5.
In an interaction design process, different methods are applied in several stages of project development: Context/User Inquiry, Concept Generation, Idea Testing, Prototype Development, Evaluation and Concept Iteration.
This course is project-based and will allow students to have a hands-on experience with a range of methods at different stages of interaction design process.
Organised in groups, students will develop innovative design concept for a product, a service or an experience.
Following a structured stages of observation, creation, and evaluation we will discuss and apply from situated and user-centered methods to creative design practice (eg. bodystorming, context analysis, video scenarios).
Course Outline
Your project development is structured in following steps:
Week 1 | Tuesday 28.3 | Wednesday 29.3 | Thursday 30.3 | Friday 31.3 |
Morning | Kickoff 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.00 | Field Research | Independent Study | Field Research / Independent Study |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.45 13.45-14.30 14.30 | 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00 | 13.00-13.30 13.30-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00 | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 2 | Tuesday 4.4 | Wednesday 5.4 | Thursday 6.4 | Friday 7.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 | 09.00-12.00 | Independent Study | Independent Study: |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.15 13.15-15.30 15.30-16.00 | Independent Study: | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 3 | Tuesday 11.4 | Wednesday 12.4 | Thursday 13.4 | Friday 14.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 | Independent Study | 09.00-12.00 | Holiday |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 | |
Week 4 | Tuesday 18.4 | Wednesday 19.4 | Thursday 20.4 | Friday 21.4 |
Morning | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring: Storytelling JB | Independent Study | Independent Study | 09.00-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 | 13.00-16.00 | Independent Study | 13.00-16.00 |
Week 5 | Tuesday 25.4 | Wednesday 26.4 | Thursday 27.4 | Friday 28.4 |
Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | |
Week 6 | Tuesday 2.5 | Wednesday 3.5 | Thursday 4.5 | Friday 5.5 |
Morning | Independent Study | 09.00-12.00 Mentoring JB | 09.00-12.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | 09.00-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-16.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | Independent Study | Independent Study |
JB: Joëlle Bitton, NF: Nicole Foesterl