Spring 2017: March 28 - May 5.
This course puts the students in the context of realising an interaction design outcome from initial idea to final proposal, with a particular emphasis on field research and user-experience.
In this interaction design process, different methods are applied in several stages of project development: Context/User Inquiry, Concept Generation, Idea Testing, Prototype Development, Evaluation and Concept Iteration.
This course is project-based and will allow students to have a hands-on experience with a range of methods at different stages of interaction design process.
Organised in groups, students will develop innovative design concept for a product, a service or an experience.
Following a structured stages of observation, creation, and evaluation we will discuss and apply situated and user-centered methods to creative design practice (eg. bodystorming, context analysis, video scenarios).
Topic ....
During the
"How do you want to change the world?"
This year, the topic for this class takes a typical design question that starts many project premises, especially in education environments that encourage students to have an impact in the world. The sentence has become a form of "pep talk" statement, where individuals should embrace forms of agency (see discourses from MIT Media Lab, Ted Talks, design thinking courses, various pitches competitions, etc).
In this class, we take that sentence upside down and within it question the role of the designer itself: what does "the world" mean?, what does "change" mean?, what does "how" mean for a designer?, how does that addresses the question of a designer's agency? and finally, what's the underlying expectation of such sentence?
During the course the student will learn:
1. A working prototype, user-tested and evaluated
2. A The presentation of an this interaction design product, a service and/or an experience grounded on the understanding of the user and the context
3. The documentation of assignments and design process in a blog
- Week 3: Play
Creating prototypes and confronting them to the 'real world'
Methods: participatory methods with mockups, cartoon scenarios, acting out an experience etcexperience, etc.
- Week 4: Stories and users
How is your work being evaluated?
Methods: - Week 5: Production 1
This reading week allows you to work on your production assignment - Week 6: Production 2
This week is to finalise your work.
Week 1 | Tuesday 28.3 | Wednesday 29.3 | Thursday 30.3 | Friday 31.3 |
Morning | Kickoff 11.00-12.00 | Field Research | Independent Study
| Field Research / Independent Study |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.45 13.45-14.15 14.15-14.45 14.45-15.30 15.30- | 13.00-14.00 14.00-15.00 15.00- | 13.00-15.00 15.00- | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 2 | Tuesday 4.4 | Wednesday 5.4 | Thursday 6.4 | Friday 7.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 | 09.30-12.00 | Independent Study | Independent Study: |
Afternoon | 13.00-13.15 13.15-15.30 15.30-16.00 | Independent Study: | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 |
Week 3 | Tuesday 11.4 | Wednesday 12.4 | Thursday 13.4 | Friday 14.4 |
Morning | 09.30-11.30 11.30-12.30 | Independent Study | 09.30-12.00 | Holiday |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 15.00- | Independent Study | 13.00-15.00 | |
Week 4 | Tuesday 18.4 | Wednesday 19.4 | Thursday 20.4 | Friday 21.4 |
Morning | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring: Storytelling JB | Independent Study | Independent Study | 09.30-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-15.00 | 13.00-16.00 | Independent Study | 13.00-16.00 |
Week 5 | Tuesday 25.4 | Wednesday 26.4 | Thursday 27.4 | Friday 28.4 |
Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | Reading Week | |
Week 6 | Tuesday 2.5 | Wednesday 3.5 | Thursday 4.5 | Friday 5.5 |
Morning | 09.30-12.00 Group presentations: Back from the reading week JB, NF | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring JB | 09.30-12.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | 09.30-12.00 |
Afternoon | 13.00-16.00 Mentoring: Editing NF | Independent Study | Independent Study |
JB: Joëlle Bitton, NF: Nicole Foesterl