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  • Photos, Recordings
  • Instagram Account? 
  • Recipes, booklets and Actions for the final day


Methods to use:

Conceptual and Design Speed Dating:

Spinning off our debates on this topic, this method allows us to effectively brainstorm in any given directions. We will create a morphological table based on the feelings of home (security, privacy, comfort, belonging, ownership) and cooking utilities. The aim is to conceptualise further and to design a mobile part of a kitchen.

Side-specific walk to FOGO Areal:

Cooking recipe karaoke
This exercise should allow us to be open for any kinds of cooking events.. we will brainstorm on ingredients, preparations, and serving food and how this influences the way we would like to interact in the field. We will present our created recipes to each other – might it be our childhood dream, for the best social event, a molecular kitchen, cultural-fusion or a utopian meal.


Week 1: Interactive Prototyping Week (KW13)



Monday, 25.03.2019Symposium[C] [A]Museum für Gestaltung - Ausstellungsstr.
Tuesday, 26.03.20199.00 -11.00 Intro, structure of the weeks - Ideation, Discuss deliverables,
11.00 Exercise (Clemens): Interaction Design Brainstorming
[C] [A]DDE Designgalerie 4.K13,
Wednesday, 27.03.201910.30-12.00 Ideas in recipes and sketches (Clemens)
1409.00 collecting samples
13.00-15.30 00 Presentation on first sampling/ collections and reflection on the notions of the brief 
(think of sink, oven, electricity,..) (Antonio)
16.00 Continue collecting samplesgroup 1: containing, group 2: preparing, group 3: washing, group 4: baking, group 5 grilling)

[C] [A]

DDE Designgalerie 4.K13,

Thursday, 28.03.201913.00-14.00 - visiting material collections[C]Werkstätten
Friday, 29.03.2019Test Material - Independent study

Week 2: Prototyping, Testings, Recipes  (KW14)

Tuesday, 02.04.2019  Test Material - Independent study
Werkstätten/ FOGO
Wednesday, 03.04.2019  9.00-11.00 walk around & project work[A] Werkstätten/ FOGO
Thursday, 04.04.201913.00-16.00 Interim presentations of  vehicles and kitchen supplies [C] [A] FOGO
Friday, 05.04.2019  12.00-15.00 Cooking experiments – testing at Toni Areal[C] [A] Werkstätten/ FOGO

Week 3: Cooking Events, Cultural Investigations & Participation (KW15)

Tuesday, 09.04.2019    11.00-13.00 walk around & project work[C]FOGO
Wednesday, 10.04.201912.00-15.00 Cooking Event I at FOGO Areal [A]FOGO
Thursday, 11.04.2019 Independent study
Friday. 12.04.201909.00-11.00  Prototype, Present Cooking Event II > Document via Video, Photo, Audio[C] [A]FOGO

Week 4: Documentation and Presentation (KW16)

Tuesday, 16.04.2019Independent study
Wednesday, 17.04.20199.00-11.00 Rehearsing Cooking Events / Assembling/ preparing presentations[C] [A] FOGO

Thursday, 18.04.2019  

14.00-17.00 Final public exhibitions at FOGO[C] [A] FOGO
