If/Only: design, technology and society
Session 11 – 13.05 - India’s shifting place in the world wide web of cotton, c. 1600-1950
Guest Lecture: Prof Dr Harald Fischer-Tiné, Institut für Geschichte, ETH
Taking India as its main geographical focus, this lecture will explore the construction and transformation of the world wide web of cotton between the 16th and the 20th centuries. On a more abstract level it makes a plea for a multiperspectival approach to the history of material objects through illustrating how deeply the history of commodities and the history of consumption are tangled up with social and political history.
- Hansen, Valerie. (2012). The Silk Road: A New History (Intro). New York, Oxford University Press. Read Intro in depth and browse the rest of the book for general overview.
- You, Mi. (2018). Silk Roads, Tributary Networks and Old and New Imperialism. Extra States: Nations in Liquidation. C. Edwards and i. Fokianaki. Antwerp, Kunsthal Extra City.