Please read the texts in preparation to the walk!!!
23. September
2019. The Human being. First stage of becoming an Interaction Designer.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
What means being human in the world? In this essential of all questions Immanuel Kant´s three fundamental questions arose: What can I know? What should I do? What can I hope? Before we deal with the shaping of our world, let us examine the question of what humanity means at all. Is there a sufficient answer to this question and where do we find a systematic discourse?
We will invite students from 2nd year and talk about their view on topics we have discussed beforehand.
Questions: What means environment, human, affordance, technology, art, design, user?
September 2019. Human behaviour. Second stage of becoming an Interaction Designer.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
07. October
2019. Thinking and Action. Third stage of becoming an Interaction Designer.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
14. October
2019. The Social, Networks, Economies and Space for Experiences. Fourth stage of becoming an Interaction Designer.
time: 10.30 - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
Part II: Writing Practice
11. November
2019, We are imagining our career path and possible future success as Interaction Designer.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: seminar room 4.T31
03_Energy-harvesting & Self-Actuated Textiles for the home- Designing with New Materials & Technologies.pdf
25. November
2019, We present our short stories and fictions about the everyday life of tomorrow.
time: 10.30am - 12.30pm
location: Seminarraum 4.T31
We will write about the experience of what has happened or what might become real in the future through individual scopes. We will investigate towards approaches, questions and points of interest to our future field of activity.