Reactive Wall
Rebecca Morganti-Pfaffhauser — Visual Programming: Luke Franzke
FLTR: Tanner Janina, Jennifer Duarte, Chen
fltr: Andy Kirk, Sophie Anderhub, Sonjoi Nielsen, Fabian Frey — 2018 , Chen - Szakacs — 2017
The maximum effect of a poster is a striking verbal and visual reduction to the essentials. "Like something unexpected and surprising, as a kind of optical incident ..." ... "The poster must enter the emotional sphere ... like a burglar through the window, with a crowbar in his hand ..." A.M. Cassandre | Expected Products |
artivive app) B — Moving Walls programmed with processing C — Documentation Format: PDF A4 Fonts for use as a base: Working form Learning goals Learning goals: — playful learning |
in composition — capture the influence of word and image Criterion of the evaluation | Books — Geschichte des Plakates Histoire de l‘affiche History of the poster, Josef und Shizuko Müller-Brockmann — Generative Gestaltung entwerfen, programmieren, visualisieren, Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Gross, Jul — Postercollection, Lars Müller Publishers (verschiedene Ausgaben) — Tissi & Odermatt, Swiss Posters, Waserverlag Zürich — Tissi & Odermatt, Grafic Design, Waserverlag Zürich — H. Knuchel/J. Nänni «BLUE. YELLOW. RED» colour anagrams 1991, Lars Müller — Typo China mit einem Essay von Eva Lüdi Kong, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung — Posters by members of the Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) 1960 - 1985 ed. by Rudolph de Hara — Plakat polski 1970-1978 [introduction: Zdzisław Schubert] — Breaking the rules posters from the turbulent 1980s in Switzerland Plakate der bewegten 1980er Jahre — Armin Hofmann mit einem Essay von Steven Heller, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung — Handmade mit einem Essay von Claude Lichtenstein, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung — Ralph Schraivogel mit einem Essay von Robert Massin, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, Plakatsammlung — Schwarz und Weiss mit einem Essay von Lars Müller Black and white with an essay by Lars Müller — Visuelle Wahrnehmung = Visual perception, Jürg Nänni, Sulgen, Niggli — Poemotion 3 Takahiro Kurashima, Lars Müller Publishers — Optical Illusions and the visual arts, Ronald G. Carraher, Jacqueline B. Thurston — Das Bild als Schein der Wirklichkeit, Herbert Schober, Ingo Rentschler, Moos Verlag München — See waw, Hans Knuchel, Jürg Nänni, Lars Müller Publishers Links — Anagramm-Generator de: http://www.nlp.de/cgi-bin/anagrams/wordplay.cgi — Anagramm-Generator eng: http://www.wordplays.com/anagrammer — https://www.grillitype.com/typeface/gt-super — https://www.abcdinamo.com/front — https://www.linotype.com/de/1549538/egyptienne-f-schriftfamilie.html — https://lineto.com/ — https://www.milieugrotesque.com/ — blelb ist ein Labor für Gestaltung zwischen Kunst und Technik: http://www.blelb.ch/ — Space type Generator: https://editor.p5js.org/full/ryzpqAjKm — chanching Fonts https://www.standardabweichung.de/design/projekte/html5/design-font-chemical-munich Graphic Classics / Some Inspirations: please google: — Armin Hofmann — Moholy Nagy Typography — Wolfgang Weingart Typography — Emil Ruder — Koichi Sato — Max Bill — Ralph Schaivogel Graphic Now / Some Inspirations: http://dia.tv/nike-basketball/ http://www.studiofeixen.ch/ http://www.therodina.com/ecstatic-trap/ http://a-g-i.org/ http://www.johnsonkingston.ch/index.php?/do-make http://erichbrechbuhl.ch/ http://yaherd.tumblr.com/ http://hubertus-design.ch/ http://www.ludovic-balland.com/en/poster/0/poster.html http://www.vier5.de/10/info.html https://www.google.ch/search?q=na+kim&espv=2&biw= 1393&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa= X&ved=0ahUKEwiwxK2aztfPAhXEsxQKHetIBwQQ_ AUIBigB£ http://www.ok-rm.co.uk/cat/selected WHICH WALLS https://intern.zhdk.ch/?wandgestaltung https://intern.zhdk.ch/fileadmin/data_subsites/data_serviceportal/FM-Downloads/Gestaltung_von_Waenden__Reglement_und_Anhaenge.pdf KLEISTERN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLr-8vETkvI A MOVING POSTER COLLECTION http://www.themovingposter.com/— ARTIVIVE APP https://artivive.com/ Inspiration films ;) (concerning the theme play and coincidence ) Adriano Celentano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G96luhHhxnI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VsmF9m_Nt8 Fischli Weiss, Der Lauf der Dinge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_HWDQxcngE Michelangelo Antonioni, Professione Reporter, Final Scene : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvbqy8FZq8Y |
IITypo & Icons |
Exercise 01.1
In the second part of GDB you will go with a clear style on a virtual Citytrip. Explore 3 Brands that have a strong and clear visual identity. |
These brands can come from fashion, automotive, |
places, |
newspapers, |
events etc. |
Fashion: |
Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Moncler, Vetements etc. |
Fiat etc. |
Nike, Adidas, |
Exercise 01.2 Create a Moodboard with the essential, visual parameters of each of the 3 brands, from which the look & 1
Explore 3 luxury brands or premium brands that have a strong and clear visual identity. These brands can come from fashion, automotive, watches, jewelery, cosmetics etc.
Example brands
Fashion: Hermes, Chanel, Louis Vuitton etc. Automotive: Ferrari, Maserati, Aston Martin etc. Watches: Patek Philippe, Rolex, IWC etc. Alcoholic beverages: Richard Hennessy, Chateau Lafite Rothschild, Dom Perignon etc.
Exercise 01.2
Create a Moodboard with the essential, visual parameters of each of the 3 brands, from which the look & feel of the brand is readable.
at least 5 to each term
otl eicher
sbb https://museum-gestaltung.ch/de/ausstellung/sbb-cff-ffs/
Zeichen und Signete
Novum Press
Exercise 02.2
Select a brand from exercise 01.1. For this brand, develop two different icon families for the terms in exercise 02.1.
Week 1 | Tuesday 26.11 | Wednesday 27.11 | Thursday 28.11 | Friday 29.11 |
Morning | Graphic Design Lab (LF / RMP) | Graphic Design Lab (RMP) | Graphic Design Lab Lab (RMP)) 4.K15 | Graphic Design Lab (LF / RMP) 09.00–12.00 Mentoring — Anagramm & Processing sketches |
Afternoon | 13:00 — Programming basic with (LF) | Graphic Design Lab | Graphic Design Lab Independent study — Material-Lab with Typoword combinded Typo-word combined with processing Ideaidea | Graphic Design Lab (RMP) 1513:00 presentation TypowordInput some Type Rules |
Week 2 | Tuesday 3.12. | Wednesday 4.12. | Thursday 5.12. | Friday 6.12. |
Morning | Graphic Design Lab Independent study — Material-Lab combinesd combined with processing | Graphic Design Lab (Benjamin / LF / RMP) mit Benjamin 4K15 | Graphic Graphic Design Lab (RMP) (Black and White) for the Wall planning! | Graphic Design Lab Lab 4K15 (RMP) |
Afternoon | 13:00 — Programming basic with (LF) | Graphic Design LabLab | Graphic Design Lab 13.00 — 17.00 Independent study — Matrix exercises ?— Material-Lab 2 / Blowup | 13:30 — 17:00 (LF) |
Week 3 | Tuesday 10.12. | Wednesday 11.12. | Thursday 12.12. | Friday 13.12. |
Morning | Graphic Design Lab 09.00 — handing out 11 A3 print and 3 A1 prints per Person (Black and White) for the Wall Graphic Design Lab (RMP | Graphic Design Lab | Typo & Icons | Typo & Icons
Afternoon | 13:00 — Programming basic with (LF) | Graphic Design Lab | Typo & Icons | |
/Week 4 | Tuesday 17.12. | Wednesday 18.12. | Thursday 19.12. | Friday 20.12. |
Morning | Typo & Icons | Typo & Icons | Typo & Icons ((10:00 Testing and Installation @ Nieves (LF / RMP))) | Typo & Icons |
Afternoon | Typo & Icons | Typo & Icons | 17.00 Graphic Design Lab (LF / RMP / BS) | Graphic Design Lab + Typo & Icons 13.00 — 17.00 I |
RMP: Rebecca Morganti-Pfaffhauser, JS: Jürgen Späth, LF: Luke Franzke, BS: Benjamin Sommerhalder