Plants for the climate
Week 3 (CW47) – Visualization, Microinteraction
In the third week you create and define the visualization and microinteractions.
Week 4 (CW48) – Prototyping
Working prototype which shows the most relevant screens and the microinteractions.
- Tom Crowther speech (Please watch this before your visit to Crowther Lab on 07.11.)
- Global Tree Restoration Potential
- Overview
- Part 1: Introduction
- Part 2: Methodology
- Part 3: Results
- Environmental activists Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot have helped produce a short film highlighting the need to protect, restore and use nature to tackle the climate crisis.
- The Carbon Cycle explained:
Minute Earth provide scientific explanations for non-scientists:
(The videos above summarise these two technical papers so please do not feel intimidated by them!)
- Latest IPCC reports (we encourage you to do a search for the word “Forest” or “Tree” to access relevant information and not have to read the full documents).
- Understanding climate change from a global analysis of city analogues
- Technical Statement for The Global Tree Restoration Potential paper
- Documentation; format: PDF
- Video / Screencast; add the IAD intro and closing credits to your videos
- Video / User-test
- Images (Screenshots & Usage Scenarios); approx. 10 representative images of the project
- Text (project title, short description, project description)
W1 | Monday 4.11. | Tuesday 5.11. | Wednesday 6.11. | Thursday 7.11. | Friday 8.11. |
Theorie | Explore, Requirements Gathering | Explore, Requirements Gathering | Theory | ||
Data Literacy (4.K11) | Kick-Off (4.T33) | Data Literacy (5.G02) | Data Literacy (5.D01) | ||
self-study | Crowther Lab (Universitätsstrasse 16) 15.00–17.00 JS, MD | self-study | |||
W2 | Tuesday 12.11. | Wednesday 13.11. | Thursday 14.11. | Friday 15.11. | |
Design Concept, Storytelling | Design Concept, Storytelling | Design Concept, Storytelling | Theory | ||
Kick-Off Design Concept, Storytelling (6.F01) 09.00–10.00 JS Mentoring (4.K22-1) | Input table (5.G02) | Mentoring (4.K22-1) | Data Literacy (5.D01) | ||
self-study | Atelier visit 13.00–17.00 JS, MD | self-study | self-study | ||
W3 | Tuesday 19.11. | Wednesday 20.11. | Thursday 21.11. | Friday 22.11. | |
Visualization | Visualization | Visualization | Visualization | ||
Kick-Off Visualization (4.T07) Mentoring (4.K22-1) | self-study | Mentoring (4.K22-1) | self-study | ||
self-study | Schulterblick (4.K22-1) 14.00–17.00 JS, MD, SB, TL, TW etc. | self-study | Schulterblick (4.K22) 14.00–18.00 | ||
W4 | Tuesday 26.11. | Wednesday 27.11. | Thursday 28.11. | Friday 29.11. | |
Prototyping | Prototyping | Prototyping | Documentation | ||
Mentoring (4.K22-1) | self-study | self-study | self-study | ||
self-study | Atelier visit (4.K22-1) 13.00–17.00 JS, MD | Final Presentation (4.K22-1) 14.00–17.00 JS, MD, SB, TL, TW etc. | Alumni Seminar 14.00–18.00 |
JS: Jürgen Späth, MD: Martin Dušek, TG: Timo Grossenbacher, LF: Luke Franzke, FB: Florian Bruggisser, SB: Simone Bucher van Ligten (ETH Global), TL: Tara Lasrado (Crowtherlab), TW: Elliott Thomas William (Crowtherlab)
Notes regarding meeting with Crowther Lab, 7.11.19
- Data set future cities available here
- Republik article covering that data set
- "Supplementary" data regarding tree reforestation potential: TIFF files
Questions to ask:
- Could you give us documentation on your future cities data set? (e.g. what do the columns mean, what data types do they contain etc.)
- Where can we get a hold of auxiliary data sets you used (and display on your map)? E.g. "bacterial biomass"
- Do you know about other (Swiss) data sets regarding trees / forests that we could use for our interactive vis?
- Is your research reproducible? How do you ensure reproducibility?