Prof. Jürgen Spath / Florian Bruggisser
Dr. Joëlle Bitton / Verena Ziegler
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic / Luke Franzke
All document deliveries should be made on the IAD server. See screenshot.
13 December 2019, 17.00
- Statement & project disposition (2-page essay)
Make a stand: what contribution do you want to make?
17 January 2020, 17.00 (BA Thesis Concept Seminar - final session)
- Development of intention (3-5-page essay)
- Initial project 'pretotype' & video
- Choice of mentoring team (send 1st & 2nd choice to Martin Dusek)
21 February 2020, 17.00
- Thesis structure (Structure of your thesis, commented - 2 pages)
- Chapter Research field: Background/context, literature review and related work, situating work in relation to theory & practice, field of contribution.
- Advanced prototype
22 May 2020, 09,00 - 18.00, Room 4.E08
- Thesis Colloquium
Each student meets the main mentors together for a 20-minutes session. The student explain briefly what their findings are (max. 5 min) and then we have a discussion (mentors ask questions) about the work and the process (15 min).
- Present status of your thesis concept
- Analysis of existing situation, experience or technology
- Present related work and how you situate your project in comparison
- Present advanced prototype
19 25 March 2020: Progress session 2, "Early Findings and Prototypes", 09:30 - 12:30, room tbc
- Advanced research from user studies if applicable
- Present data and main findings
- How will this inform your concept, problem or design opportunity? Based on your findings, inform or enhance your concept.
- What kind of prototype is the most suitable for your project?
- What kind of prototype helped you find the main findings/observations?
- What do you hope to achieve with your prototype?
30 29 April 2020: Progress session 3, "Observations and Lessons learned", 10.00 - 13:00, room tbc