- Question: What data / problem to focus on.
- Collect data: analog / digital
- Presentations of the range of data collection: analog forms, electronicselectronic sensors, quantified self tools, users studies, users outputs (emails, text messages) // personal context of the body or the space around the body
- Tutorial for a couple of sensors
- Body analysis / scan (Kinect/iPhone App)
- 3D scanning (florian / luke)
- Thermoplast input (florian)
- Make volumes out of 2D surfaces (folds/origami), understand geometry
possible tools: pepakura, tinkercad, …
Data mapping (week 2)
- …
- Use of 3D Printer (luke)
- Refresher on Laser and 123Dmake, etc (luke)
Fabrication (week 3 / week 4)
- We can include notions of growth or transformation (robotics/soft robotics)
- …
- Tinkercad
Guest lectures
- Anatomy
- Soft robotics
- Swarms
- Critical design