This embodied interaction advanced course deals with the fictional future scenario of a "Transparent Self" which is an extrapolation of current emerging technologies like the Internet of Things, movements like the Quantified Self, hypes like Wearables and scientific efforts like "biofeedback". In 5 weeks you will create fictional embodied experiences that incorporate seamless interaction between the body and such digital-physical spaces. The resulting prototype connects to the topics, is based on an valid background research and is embedded in an authentic story.
- Network Analysis (Week 2, by Tuesday 24.11)
Each student submits three complete network analysis. - Concept Illustration (Week 3, by Tuesday 1.12)
Each group submits a concept illustration in the form of a video (1-2 minutes). - Experience Prototype (Week 5, by Thursday 17.12)
Each group submits a working experience prototype. - Documentation (Week 4, by Friday 18.12)
Each group submits a documentation of their work that includes images, textual documentation and reflection as well as a video illustrating the final concept embedded in a story.
Week 1 | Tuesday (17.11) | Wednesday (18.11) | Thursday (19.11) | Friday (20.11) |
Morning | ||||
Afternoon | ||||
Week 2 | Tuesday (24.11) | Wednesday (25.11) | Thursday (26.11) | Friday (27.11) |
Morning | ||||
Afternoon | ||||
Week 3 | Tuesday (1.12) | Wednesday (2.12) | Thursday (3.12) | Friday (4.12) |
Morning | ||||
Afternoon | ||||
Week 4 | Tuesday (8.12) | Wednesday (9.12) | Thursday (10.12) | Friday (11.12) |
Morning | ||||
Afternoon | ||||
Week 5 | Tuesday (15.12) | Wednesday (16.12) | Thursday (17.12) | Friday (18.12) |
Morning | ||||
Afternoon |