Prof. Jürgen Späth / Florian Bruggisser
Dr. Joëlle Bitton / Verena Ziegler
Prof. Dr. Karmen Franinovic / Luke Franzke
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Dates & deadlines
13 December 2019, 17:00
- Statement & project disposition (2-page essay)
Make a stand: what contribution do you want to make?
17 January 2020, 17:00 (BA Thesis Concept Seminar - final session)
- Development of intention (3-5-page essay)
- Initial project 'pretotype' & video
- Choice of mentoring team (send 1st & 2nd choice to Martin Dusek)
17 February 2020, 10:00–11:00
- Semester overview
19 February 2020, 09:00–12:00, Viaduktraum 2.A05
- Progress session 1 «Background and Related Work»
21 February 2020, 17:00
- Thesis structure (Structure of your thesis, commented - 2 pages)
- Chapter Research field: Background/context, literature review and related work, situating work in relation to theory & practice, field of contribution.
- Advanced prototype
5 March 2020, 09:00–11:00 [Diploma exhibition]
- «Informationsanlass» in big concert hall (Konzertsaal 7.K12)
Einführungsveranstaltung DDE
18 March 2020, 09:00–12:00 [Diploma exhibition]
- Exhibition workshop (4.K13, Galerie 1)
23 March 2020, 17.00
- Chapter Concept
- More advanced prototype
25 March 2020, 09:00–12:00, Zeichnungssaal 7.G01
- Progress session 2 «Early Findings and Prototypes»
25 March 2020, 17:00 [Diploma exhibition]
- Send exhibition concept incl. requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs/iPads to Martin Dušek (
1 April 2020, 17:00 [Diploma exhibition]
- Confirm requests and orders for exhibition locations, furniture, plinths, and iMacs/iPads via Mail to Martin Dušek (
2–3 April 2020
- Hackathon (mandatory; but not specifically BA-thesis related)
5 April 2020, 23:59 [Diploma exhibition]
- Deadline «AVZ Geräte», order equipment like projectors, headphones, media players etc. (excl. iMacs/iPads) via online form (detailed information are given at «Informationsanlass»)
24 April 2020, 17.00
- Chapter Project Development
- Exhibition Layout review to all mentors and students by Martin Dusek (at the beginning of Progress session 3)
- Send address list for invitations «Business-Apéro» event on 11 June 2020, 18:00 @ Galerie 1 (4.K13) to Martin Dušek (
(invitation to companies, industry contacts, offices, agencies and friends)
30 April 2020 [Diploma exhibition]
- BA: Upload pictures and abstracts for diploma publication on server until 09:00
- MA: Send pictures and abstracts for diploma publication to your mentors and Martin Dušek ( until 09:00
6 May 2020
- Mentoring Storytelling (Nicole Fölsterl)
8 May 2020 [Diploma exhibition]
- BA: Upload updated pictures and abstracts for diploma publication on server until 16:00
- MA: Send pictures and abstracts for diploma publication to your mentors and Martin Dušek ( until 16:00
- Final approval by Jürgen Späth
18–20 May 2020 (exact dates and times tbd by Stephan Wespi) [Diploma exhibition]
- Sanding and painting of the exhibition elements, AUMO walls and plinths with 2nd and 4th semester BA and 1st year MA students
20 May 2020 [Diploma exhibition]
- Mentoring Film editing (Nicole Fölsterl)
22 May 2020, 14:00
- Briefing BA- and MA-finals for buildup exhibition @ 4.K13, Galerie 1
25 May 2020
- Final video delivery on server
25 May 2020 [Diploma exhibition]
- Start buildup exhibition
29 April 2020, 09:00–12:00, Zeichnungssaal 7.G01
- Progress session 3 «Observations and Lessons learned»
2 June 2020, 09:00–12:00
- Visit through exhibition, possible adjustments of scenography
4 June 2020, 17:00–late
- Vernissage
- 17
- :00–18:00 Opening speech, Konzertsaal 3 (Prof. Dr. Thomas D. Meier)
- 18:00 Opening IAD exhibition with apéro
5 June 2020, 10:00–12:00
- Clear-out work space student atelier 4.K22
5–19 June 2020
- Exhibition, open daily from 12:00–20:00
Plan for exhibition shifts «Betreuung Ausstellung» will be sent separately by Martin Dusek
8 June 2020, 09:00
- BA thesis full text delivered on server
9 June 2020, till 17:00
- Full BA thesis text and documents delivered (including updates and rewrites, with final reflection on practice)
- Please hand in two hard copies of your thesis to Martin Dušek, IAD office room 4C.01, until 17.00.
- Digital copy on the IAD server by 17.00.
9 June 2020, time tbc, exhibition space
- Practice session for BA Finals, with individual mentors
10 June 2020, 09:00–12:00, exhibition space
- BA Finals (theory + practice)
- Mentors and Jury discussion (room and time tbc)
11 June 2020
- Final mentors and jury discussion, 08:00–09:30, room tbc
- Thesis Students feedback session, 10:00–12:00, room tbc
- Business-Apéro, 18:00, Galerie 1 (4.K13)
- Karmen Franinović and Björn Franke welcome our guests, followed by a quick presentation round by students directly in the exhibition space (max. 5 min each) and snacks & drinks afterwards
- After the Business-Apéro: Sommerfest ZHdK
15 June 2020, 09:00
- Final documentation
- Präsentation/Jurierung Förderpreis. Teilnahme von Beiräten und Gönner
- Führung Kollegium Propädeutikum
- Führung für Lehrpersonen und Berufsberatungen
- ZHdK interne Führung
19 June 2020
- Diplomfeier (detailed information will follow)
20 June 2020 [Diploma exhibition]
- Exhibition take-down
- Return the AV devices (@ ZHdK-Ausleihe 1.D26, 09:00–17:00)
24 June 2020
- Exhibition take-down
- Final clear-out work space student atelier 4.K22
- Return the AV devices (@ ZHdK-Ausleihe 1.D26, 09:00–16:00)
- Return iMacs/iPads (@ IAD office, 09:00–12:00) Important: bring to the office before 12:00!
Anchor deliveries deliveries
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All document deliveries should be made on the IAD server. See screenshot.
Documentation deliverables
Despite the deliverables you have to hand in during your process, including the full thesis (PDF), there is a mandatory documentation of your BA final project. In general, it's the same as for every other project. The guidelines can be found here: Project Documentation.
Upload the following deliverables to the server by 15 June 2020, 09:00:
- Text
- Project title, max. 100 characters
- Short description, min. 250 – max. 400 characters
- Project description, min. 1000 characters
- Contributors, full names of students and mentors
- Images
- min. 10 high-res images showing different aspects of your work/prototype
- min. 10 high-res images showing your process
- Video
- include official IAD intro and closing credits
- Prototype (if existing, f.e. Figma files, code, etc.)