If/Only: design, technology and society 2020754581578
In-class assignments 30%
Final Essay 50%
Any assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.
The final assignment should develop a question from the topics dealt with during the semester and include these in form of a critical or argumentative essay. Start with asking a question that you can answer from arguments collected in readings and discussions.
Extent of the essay about 2500 words with references and bibliography.
The essay can be written in German or English.
Readings to be read in advance and preparation of notes.
Session 04 – 23.03 - The Design of Trade
Commodities & entanglement
▪Cassandra Mark-Thiesen, “Labour Recruitment in the Nineteenth Century: The Place of Practicality” (Ch. 2). In Mediators, Contract Men, and Colonial Capital: Mechanized Gold Mining in the Gold Coast Colony, 1879-1909, University of Rochester Press, 2018.
▪Giorgi Riello, "The Globalization of cotton textiles. Indian Cottons, Europe, and the Atlantic World, 1600–1850". In Prasannan Parthasarathi and Giorgio Riello, eds, The Spinning World: A Global History of Cotton Textiles, 1200-1850 (Oxford, 2009).
▪You, Mi. (2018). Silk Roads, Tributary Networks and Old and New Imperialism. Extra States: Nations in Liquidation. C. Edwards and i. Fokianaki. Antwerp, Kunsthal Extra City.
Readings to be read in advance and preparation of notes to be sent by Monday morning
Session 05 – 06.04 - Decolonising technologies
- C. R. Licklider. Man-Computer Symbiosis. IRE Transactions on Human Factors in Electronics, volume HFE-1, pages 4-11, March 1960 – (Full paper)
- Lucy. A. Suchman. Plans and Situated action: The problem of human-machine communication. ISL-6.
- Palo Alto Research Center. 1985 – (Pages 0 to 23 of the Pdf)
- Molly Wright Steenson: "Architectural Intelligence: How Designers and Architects Created the Digital Landscape 2018.
(Full video)Widget Connector url https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkCeYKOqMO4-
Readings to be read in advance and preparation of notes to be sent by Monday morning
Session 05 06 – 06.04 05 Accelerationism
- Mark Fisher. Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative ? Zero Books, 2009 (First chapter)
- Sadie Plant. Zeroes + ones: digital women and the new technoculture. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, 1997 (Pages 105 to 120 of the Pdf)
- Robin Mackay. Armen Avessian. #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader. Urbanomic 2014 / MIT press 2019. (Pages 355 to 370 of the Pdf)
Readings to be read in advance and preparation of notes to be sent by Monday morning
Session 06 – 06.05 - The Design of Trade
Commodities & entanglement
Session 07
Session 08
Session 09